No illegals that sneak into the country are given access to our Medicaid system and any treatments they need. They also are being treated at some VA facilities I have recently read.
Honestly, I really doubt this is true, but if it is shame on us.
Aside from the fact that anybody that walks into an ER room must be treated by the hospital apparently, which drives up the costs for everybody else. And most of those people are likely born in this country and citizens to begin with.
Illegal immigrants being treated at some VA facilities? Anybody can write anything they want and we can read it. It doesn’t mean it’s true. In the past, I actually looked into what it would take to get some kind of coverage by the VA for medical purposes and believe me it’s not that easy for a normal person. But on top of that, how would the illegal person prove he was a veteran? Where would the DD214 form come from?
Seems like one would need to prove that first… and I doubt any illegal people in this country could prove that, especially trying to fraudulently.
Hard for me to believe these kind of statements without some specific fact’s to back them up. NOT hearsay, but actual documented facts.