Knee Surgery, have it done while insured or while on Medicare?


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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA

Did you opt for Part B coverage. If so Medicare will be primary for both major medical and doctors fees. If its decent private insurance it will be secondary and pick up what Medicare does not pay.

In the last two years I have had tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses and with Medicare Parts A and B plus BCBS not a cent out of my pocket. Currently waiting on a $1.5M lung transplant that I could not afford otherwise.

I was working when I turned 65 so I enrolled in Medicare part A, but it was possible to defer enrollment into part B until I retired from my job, which was about six months after I turned 66. In this case, there was no penalty for delaying the enrollment into part B Since I had private insurance through Work. My guess is the OP is in a similar situation.

If I remember correctly when you’re working and have private insurance, the private insurance is the primary payer. I don’t remember Medicare paying anything when I had private insurance and still working while enrolled in Medicare Part A.


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Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
I was working when I turned 65 so I enrolled in Medicare part A, but it was possible to defer enrollment into part B until I retired from my job, which was about six months after I turned 66. In this case, there was no penalty for delaying the enrollment into part B Since I had private insurance through Work. My guess is the OP is in a similar situation.

If I remember correctly when you’re working and have private insurance, the private insurance is the primary payer. I don’t remember Medicare paying anything when I had private insurance and still working while enrolled in Medicare Part A.
I just checked the Medicare website. You are correct, if you are working your group insurance is primary. But Medicare still becomes secondary. When you are no longer working the roles are reversed.

In my case I retired before I became eligible for Medicare and never experienced that wrinkle.



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Kioti CK2620SE cab, RTV-X, BX2360, Z726XKW-3-60
Jul 29, 2023
Honestly, I really doubt this is true, but if it is shame on us.

Aside from the fact that anybody that walks into an ER room must be treated by the hospital apparently, which drives up the costs for everybody else. And most of those people are likely born in this country and citizens to begin with.

Illegal immigrants being treated at some VA facilities? Anybody can write anything they want and we can read it. It doesn’t mean it’s true. In the past, I actually looked into what it would take to get some kind of coverage by the VA for medical purposes and believe me it’s not that easy for a normal person. But on top of that, how would the illegal person prove he was a veteran? Where would the DD214 form come from?

Seems like one would need to prove that first… and I doubt any illegal people in this country could prove that, especially trying to fraudulently.

Hard for me to believe these kind of statements without some specific fact’s to back them up. NOT hearsay, but actual documented facts.
Here's one of NYs plan even though it is illegal per federal law. Many other states have plans also.
Do a good search and you will find info and videos for the VA.