Given my farmer background, I don't consider an SUV, CJ, TJ, or similar a "truck."
As much as I liked my CJ-7 and an S-10 Blazer I had later, they weren't a truck.
I consider a truck something for carrying or towing.
That is solely my opinion, and I may be off base.
The term "tractor" is derived from Latin and is an easy translation.
Truck not so much in my opinion.
It's probably due to my upbringing and the very rural area I live. A lot of guys have pickups because they need them...period.
We don't rely on someone to plow our driveway.
We don't rely on delivery for firewood, wood pellets, coal, sheetrock, 2x's, plywood, appliances, etc.
If I were to live on an 0.25 acre lot in a subdivision in suburbia near a city, I could get by without a pickup "truck."
Had a pickup for 36 years. Had 1 car, the Jeep and the Blazer totaling another 8.