Thanks for all of the help and replies.
I am completely uneducated on technical aspects of this. What would the difference between the float detent and spring center valves?
Also, what would be some cases where I would need more than the base kit? I am assuming the base kit would allow me to operate a no till drill that uses hydraulics to raise and lower the wheels.
The base kit contains the valve mounting base, one valve handle, the braket for mounting tje outlets, and one set of outlets. It does not include the valve - you have to purchase that separately.
Float detent is a valve option that gives you a fourth position that allows the cylinder to move freely rather tjan locking hydraulically.
This is just like your loader valve where ypu have a float position that lets the bucket follow the contours of the ground. Some people believe its important for three point implement control - others not so much. You will have no use for float with a grain drill and its unlikely cylinder drift will be an issue.
Spring center is the standard operstion. Center is neutral and the cylinder is hydraulically locked. When you move the handle out of neutral it returns to neutral automatically when you let go.
Now as far as cylinder drift goes
ALL spool valves have some level of spool leakage which results in cylinder drift. Some valves leak less than others and I have no experience with the OEM valves which is why I did not comnent on that issue.
The priblem of cylinder drift is well understood and can be eliminated by placing a special check valve in the cylinder lines. Its such a common issue many hydrraulic top links come standard with a check valve. The fly in the ointment with that is you cannot float a cylinder that is equippef with a check valve. So the tradeoff is no drift and no float or float and tolerate whatever drift comes with the valve.
Now personally I purchased a new L3901 a few years ago and was all set to pop for 3 OEM remotes. I changed my mind and canceled that order not because of concerns about valve leakage but because rhe OEM kits had really crappy outlets. Nothing like the nice outlets used on your L4701, Grand L, MX, and M series. They looked like a DIY wart but at OEM prices. I figured I would rather have a much less expensive wart and good outlets. Here is my wart and outlets. The plan is to replace the wart with something much closer to OEM and keep the outlets but health problems have put that on hold.