On the schematic it's called a Combination Box, on the parts diagram it's called a Controller. It seems to contain the preheat indicator timer, a starter relay and the circuitry for the start interlocks, and fuel solenoid relay.Prior to replacing this device I was getting no voltage to the glow plugs when the combination was in the preheat position.
I had to turn the machine of manually at the shut off solenoid before this replacement too.
I can imagine that troubleshooting and working on one of these ZT's is extremely frustrating. It is very puzzling that you're apparently getting voltage to the glow plug area, but no heat. Also, your statement that the glow plugs weren't getting power until you changed controllers. According to the schematic, the controller wouldn't prevent that. However, it wouldn't be the first time a Kubota schematic was wrong or altered (my L35 schematic didn't show some hazard/turn signal changes that were made on later models).
In any case, I would disassemble that wire and bus bar assembly on the glow plugs, clean the connections and put it back together.
Good luck.