About a week ago, I had to go down to the river a do fence repairs. The very high water this Spring/early Summer was a little hard on the fence.
To better access the fence area required removing a very large Russian Olive tree, which worked the heck out of me and my little Kubota! Also, had to move a bunch of river silt/sand to create a better fence base!
To make matters worse, my seat has had a slight lean to the left, causing pretty good back pain with long usage. During this job, the seat took a very severe lean to the left…..darn near crippled me!
Yesterday, I decided to remove the seat and attempt a repair! Getting the seat out of the cab is a genuine pia!
The seat is comprised of a spring-loaded, shock absorbed scissor type system! I found one of the scissor arms broken right at a pivot point! If getting the seat out of the cab was a challenge …..taking it apart, welding the broken scissor arm, and putting the seat back together was almost beyond description!
But…. I got‘r done!
Today was a recovery day…..maybe tomorrow it will find it’s way back into the cab!