And is it up to you to decide what is best for humanity or is it up to a committee ?
Of course training people to kill another human for the sake of his/her government has always been a great educator. Many never fully recover from pulling that trigger.
Glad it worked for you.
Mike I dont know if you served or not, that makes no difference. Any fool can pull a trigger and end a life because to many of the ones that do are to stupid to understand the effect.
When you learn how to take a life, you learn how to save a life as well, how many gangbangers are vets? When you know how to do something it is engrained in your being, that taking a life is a forever thing and it is not something any sane person wants.
And no the ghosts never go away no matter the many drugs or how much whiskey you consume. And those ghosts dont make you any better or worse than any one else.
Do some fall through the cracks, yep every day, and these are the ones we need to help,,, and I say this because I have been there and have seen the inside of the VA wards.
The vast number of vets never strike out in anger at people they have emotions under control.
And as for who decides well a youtube / tictok or what ever social media influencer wouldnt even come close to being needed and of no social value. However a nurse/ doctor/ engineer someone that has a chance to contribute something would be at the top of the list. Just MHO of course and I am not out to change anyone's mind about anything