With the USDA stuff done, taking small breaks away from the farm, especially with this damn heat wave stuck over us till around July 4th. I brought my smaller ZTR home from the farm to our other house in town to help my neighbor out. He is a young guy, military Veteran and a 1st year cop in the city. He broke his foot/leg bone last week, and surgery is not till next week. Anyways, the boys and I mowed, weed trimmed his yard this morning and he is on a much bigger lot and I also mowed the other lot between us and our other neighbors.
I had to reorganize the garage for the zero turn rider to fit, probably will keep it at the house in town for a couple months till my neighbor recovers. I also thought today would be great to service the ginny since it's hurricane season and the potential for black outs from the overload grid. I need to bring home a couple fuel cans from the farm and we're better prepared. Although the farm is a better place to be without power. My youngest boy will be a senior in HS next year, then we will sell off the house in town next summer. The school district at the farm is just now getting a high school, they never taught past the 8th grade, students would have to travel 30min+ to next town to attend highschool