Besides not being locally commonly available, I don’t care for the fact that to install a pipethread helicoil… you must use a Straight-Sided drill bit…. but I “get-it” if that’s the preferred solution.
A solution I prefer would be to drill then tap it for the next larger plug. Here’s why: When I bought/was-gifted a 9N tractor the differential leaked all its fluid when the first time I used it the NPT drain plug simply “dropped out of sight” somewhere in the grass. (Suspect previous owner hadn’t tightened it and I didn’t bother to check it. I believe the plug was stripped because it would not accept a properly-sized replacement.
I went from a 1/2” NPT plug to a 5/8” NPT plug and never had another problem. (or maybe a 5/8” to a 3/4”…. I don’t recall exactly, I’ve slept since 18 years ago when this occurred.)