I have a lot of different hats for this tractor to wear, one of which is a lot of snow removal. The previous owner has made it necessary for me to so some work on the bucket/pins, and I am going to put together a bobcat style quick attach plate and mount for the front end. That got me thinking about snow removal and I would really like to pick up one of those fancy front mounted snowblower attachments. They usually require at least 24 GPM of flow to operate, and I would rather run it off the tractor than have a second engine running the blower. When I have been looking around I have also noticed they sometimes stack the pumps, but again I am not sure how any of this stuff works. I was hoping to be able to set an extra valve that can run a front or rear remote if possible.
Also, I know there is SOME room behind the pump, but I do not have a good picture of that side at the moment. I will be at my property tonight so I will try to get a better picture/measurement.