North Idaho Wolfman
Staff member
Lifetime Member
L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Samantha,Hi Folks,
Well I knew Paul had been hanging out on a few forums, but gosh, I had no idea how active he was back in the day!
My name is Samantha, I'm his twin and I took almost all the pics he posted here, wow time has flew by, but sadly I must report he is no longer with us, so I will try and pick up his mantle, and perhaps partly fill his shoes.
I stumbled onto all this today while researching one of his dreams to update the Kubota, I haven't taken allot of pics, but I am close to having the power steering he always wanted finished, and also trying to upgrade the charging system, and a few other things.
Yes, I may be a girl, but I spent my entire life with Paul, and I learned, he was brilliant, and so much skill and talent, and yeah, his shoes are going to be impossible to fill, but I will do my best,
I know we did take some pics he never uploaded so I will work on those in my spare time, please be patient.
My God, this thread alone dates all the way back to 2012, I wonder how many of you that knew him here are still around?
Everyone Have An Absolutely Wonder Day!!!
Condolences on your and our loss!
It's always sad to lose a member of our group!
And you are definitely more than welcome and we are very pleased to have you carry on.
If you need any help just ask!