Has anyone used Legacy UTF as a substitute for Kubot UDT?
I have an M5030 I'm getting ready for summer and noticed there's no oil on the transmission dipstick. I have a bucket of the Legacy the MF dealer sold me for an old MF I just sold. I need to do a little bush hogging today and just need something to get me by until I can change the transmission oil. I bought the tractor last year from the owners widow and I'm not sure what oil is currently in there.
I have an M5030 I'm getting ready for summer and noticed there's no oil on the transmission dipstick. I have a bucket of the Legacy the MF dealer sold me for an old MF I just sold. I need to do a little bush hogging today and just need something to get me by until I can change the transmission oil. I bought the tractor last year from the owners widow and I'm not sure what oil is currently in there.