Vaccination opinions wanted...


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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
the problem with making a decision these days is in finding the TRUTH about whatever 'it' is.....

hmm.. is that glass 1/2 empty or is it half full ?
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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
the problem with making a decision these days is in finding the TRUTH about whatever 'it' is.....

hmm.. is that glass 1/2 empty or is it half full ?
Difficult for sure.

Without having trust in anything/anyone it is even more difficult.

Not sure what the answer is if one has no faith in anything. Not meaning a value judgement by any means. Decisions are obviously more difficult for some than others. As well as easy for others too.

Anyway I got my answer I think. Next time we will delay the booster for a bit, thinking that might make the most sense for us. To each his own.

I really do appreciate the insight given by others in this thread.
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Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Henro, I believe that your freedom to decide is your decision. I believe having information about all facts, pro and con, related to the shots is crucial. I, my wife, and my 3 adult children have refused the shots. I know that all information has not been presented, especially on the con side because of suppression by media and government, pertaining to the vacs. We were told / ordered to mask, it was 100% according to government, Medical, media, CDC, now being told masking not affective other than N95 mask which are not 100%. IMO there has not been enough time of usage to see possible long lasting side effects or damage to the human body. There are studies out there, many suppressed, that show problems created with the heart and lungs from both the vacs and from having COVID. With that said, because of my business, my desire to never harm anyone else, or infringe on anyone else's beliefs we follow all protocols and more. Masks, gloves, sanitizers, booty's, etc... I still caught COVID Delta December 2020 and the Omicron this January. I would be considered high risk, 61, type 2 diabetic, blood pressure but take no medications. I try to live a healthy lifestyle to offset those issues. Those with severe comorbidities have a different situation to consider and should. It was not fun to have covid but was no different than having any other flu or cold I have had in my lifetime. My Dad (at the time 83) had heart valve repair surgery in January 2020, got out of hospital just as Delta was coming on strong. As we were checking out, they were closing to visitors. His primary doctor, well as he put it, she brow beat him to vaccinate at every visit. He never vaccinated and never got sick. August of last year he told me he was tired of the doctor harassment, so he wanted me to take him to get the Moderna shot. First shot he didn't feel good couple days. Second shot no problems until 2 weeks later he had a mini stroke and fell. Luckly did not hurt himself in fall. Doctor said he got up to fast. 2 weeks later another mini stroke and fell right in front of me. We were on the way to the doctor so got him up and carried him. Doctor said test showed the shots had inflamed his heart causing the symptoms, but she could not put it in his files as such. Go figure!! It took 4 months for him to get his cognitive senses and mobility back. He turned 84 January and has not gotten covid and back to his self. He refuses to take another shot. He has never vaccinated other than childhood and says he never will again. Yes, he and I are blessed by God, and therein lies our faith and freedom to decide for ourselves. May God bless you also brother in your endeavors!!
Am 81.
Had the booster shot on December 29th, and was in the ER on Dec 31st.
Then three additional hospital visits over next 35 days.
Severe neurological muscle weakness issue, which to date (Feb. 23rd), has only mildly improved.
I will be getting NO MORE Covid shots!
Sadly,....... I will not be eligible for the free 3 topping Domino's pizza after the 8th Covid shot! ;)
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2021 L2501 Loader, Backhoe, LandPride Grapple, Tiller, Forks, Quick Connect
Dec 20, 2021
Wilson, NC
Yea, my English teacher use to tell me the same thing.


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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
Difficult for sure.

Without having trust in anything/anyone it is even more difficult.

Not sure what the answer is if one has no faith in anything. Not meaning a value judgement by any means. Decisions are obviously more difficult for some than others. As well as easy for others too.

Anyway I got my answer I think. Next time we will delay the booster for a bit, thinking that might make the most sense for us. To each his own.

I really do appreciate the insight given by others in this thread.
I think you hit the nail on the head, the ability to find reliable, trustworthy source of information.

Sadly, our own government has been proven to be less than honest when it comes to being a source of reliable information. One item that comes to mind is the Tuskegee testing that was done without consent.

Tuskegee Study - Timeline - CDC - NCHHSTP

In years to come as data is gathered and documents become unsealed, we will eventually (or the generations after us) know if we did the right things or the wrong things.

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
I, for one, am heartened by this whole pandemic thing.
Virtually all forms of disease that cause death have been eradicated since the pandemic started, except for covid.
Nobody has died from anything but covid in the last couple years.
If we can just beat covid, we will all live forever.:giggle:
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Well-known member

L4060HSTC-LE, loaded. B2410, L352 Loader, Woods BH70-X backhoe
Oct 21, 2021
the problem with making a decision these days is in finding the TRUTH about whatever 'it' is.....

hmm.. is that glass 1/2 empty or is it half full ?
Problem solved, get two half full glasses, pour one into the other and stick the empty glass under the full one.

If anyone hasn't yet, I suggest watching some of Dr John Campbell videos that he has put out re: covid. Very informative with actual published data and not from one source either, but multiple sources from different countries.

He predicted that in the US by the end of February cases would have dropped, peaked in early February and he nailed it.

He also has noted that if the shot is given without aspirating, that it can lead to many issues with peoples health. If they don't pull back on the plunger to check a vein or artery wasn't hit, then it can risk being injected directly into the blood stream, and that can lead to blood clots and nerve damage.


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
I got covid before any vaxx was available.

I spoke to the doctor about it after the fact, and his opinion was (at the time) that a vaxx won't really do anything since after having it, I probably have a natural immunity to the virus now.

I got it again in December, well tested positive anyway. No major symptoms but I got a little vacation out of it.

I am getting over it again as we speak. Aside from a little bit of snot running, asymptomatic. I rarely get sick and when I started feeling bad I got tested. Positive. Again.

Doc still stands behind his advice not to get the vaxx, as I really don't need it. If all this virus is, is a snotty nose, I'm ok with it.

Girlfriend used to work in the health field. She got the vaxx as soon as it was available and she got all the boosters. Each booster led to low fever, and generally made her feel like poo. Up to date, as they say. She got the virus in December 2021 (which is where I probably got it from), got really sick, but got over it. It was touch and go there for a few hours and then her vitals started improving.

So I called the doctor the other day and in conversation we talked about the GF's getting sick after the vaccinations and boosters, AND the fact that she don't leave the house without a mask. Doc says the virus is still not fully understood. They know more now than they did, in his words, but still don't know everything.

I have not got vaccinated. I did not originally when it came available. I thought that it was still too new to put into my body, and I kinda had this weird feeling about getting it. I did, however get the flu shot, I've never had any problem with that. The three times I've tested positive, even the first one wasn't as bad as her getting the shots. The first time I got it was just a little fever for 2 days straight which sucked but it was a mandatory 10 day vacation. After those two days, I spent the next 8 days fishing. Every single day. Massive sunburn was really the worst part of the whole ordeal. That was June 2020.

So there you have it. Just because you get the vaxx doesn't mean you won't get sick. If you look at the numbers, if you are vaxxed you might not get "as" sick, but our case proves that wrong. As the doc said, an "anomaly". Again, I don't think any of the infectious disease experts really know.

while it may be misunderstood, and I sometimes wonder if we didn't overreact to it, I also understand that some get it worse than others, sometimes there is other underlying health concerns that might contribute to how "bad" someone gets sick. BUT my beef with the whole deal lies not so much with the doctors, the politicians, it lies with the fact that when I went into the doctors office after the 2nd time I tested positive, I actually went in for an annual checkup and mentioned that about 2 weeks prior that I had positive covid test but didn't really get sick. They marked me down as "tested positive for covid" and then I became a statistic, and have gotten calls from different people and organizations in reference to the doctor checkup. Then one of my coworkers got real sick and went to the hospital, diagnosed with RSV. But on the chart, it clearly stated admitted with covid symptoms, and he also became a statistic. So with that said, when you see the numbers on the "news", you don't know what to believe? Do those people actually have covid, or do they have covid-like symptoms? And secondly the deaths that the "news" reports, are they directly caused by covid, or were they simply attributed or "reported" as such?
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L3800DT/FEL/BH77 and others
Dec 16, 2012
Latah County, ID
This is ABSOLUTELY not a question related to whether someone should get a vaccination or not.

This question is simply asking for opinions from those who decided to get vaccinated to begin with.

Free choice, no opinion to be voiced here.

Simply a question as to how those that decided to get vaccinated against the corona virus might think about a 4th dose.



So I was thinking since we are "elderly" it might be wise to get a forth shot, even if we had to lie about being immune compromised, or even saying that we never got a shot before but now think it is time.

But after letting things settle in my mind, I am thinking that it might be best to just wait until things are approved for 4th doses.

Reason is, we were some of the first to get the initial shots, so we were also first to get the booster shots. But now, we are also the first to lose protection after the booster.

So I am thinking it might be best to wait a while and get the forth shot then if it is approved, or to lie and get what we want anyway if approval is not given by the fall.

Not even sure if lying would work anyway, but I would try it I guess...

What do you guys think that are in the same boat.

Again, if you believe that vaccinations are worthless (edit: OR dangerous), PLEASE leave this thread alone. That is not the question, and the intent is not to debate that issue.
This is the CDC criteria for the additional booster for mod-severe immunocompromised:

  • Been receiving active cancer treatment for tumors or cancers of the blood
  • Received an organ transplant and are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
  • Received a stem cell transplant within the last 2 years or are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
  • Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)
  • Advanced or untreated HIV infection
  • Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress their immune response
Any facility providing vaccinations has a contract with the state/feds for releasing additional doses of vaccine. It is really specific. For the average age appropriate person- one only needs to show up for the vaccines and recommended booster-because the feds have authorized the release to be that easy. For the initial booster (when it came out and was restricted), an order from the doctor was needed from the doc's office to confirm the special situation for vaccination. For the 4th booster, I would suspect that one could not talk their way into the vaccination because there are strict rules for giving it out and repercussions for the inappropriate administration of the vaccine. I haven't checked to see if the 4th booster requires an order, but i'd be surprised if it didn't.

The Omicron variant has definitely caused break through infections for those who have been triple vaccinated and it is not responsive to regeneron, remdesivir, or Bam e (approved monoclonals for the native strain and delta strain). It's changed just enough that the current recommendation is the use of sotrovimab for the outpatient treatment of covid.

In Idaho, the death rate from covid has been around 1% across the state (higher and low by individual counties). Welcome to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) ( Each state is tracking this data.
Across the US the death rate is 1.2%( 931578 deaths/76,704,696 cases)

Those who are immune against covid are less likely to have serious effects from infection. Those who are non-immune have statistically had more significant illness- respiratory failure, pulmonary emboli, death, and "long covid", among other concern. There are plenty of people who have had more mild symptoms from infection, but this is not the course for all, just the course for them.

The vaccine is not risk free (see below) and for certain neither is contracting covid. The vaccine overall has been shown to be way less problematic for the population at large than the virus is. This does not mean that it does not pose potential serious risks... If one is considering the vaccine- talk to YOUR doctor (the one who knows you) to discuss risks/benefits. There is too much hearsay about the vaccine and the illness for that matter.

Some reported facts for you perusal.

estimated number or tractors in the US: 4.2 million.
# of US deaths attributable to tractors between 1992-2001: 2165

CDC reported vaccines administered in the US- 551,372,287

As of 2/11/2022- VAERS has reported the following number of adverse reactions to the vaccines ( The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Results ( ):
event reported number
death 26008
life threatening 28673
Permanent disability 45225
Birth defect 1008
Hospitalized 141548
existing hosp visit prolonged 1485
ER/office visit 312321

death rate from vaccine- (26,008/551,372,287) (100%)=.0047%
death/life threatening/permanent disability reactions-((26008+28673+45225)/551372287)(100%)=.018%
adverse reaction rate (including death) (1,119,063/551372287)(100%)=.2%

US reported risk of death from the virus- 1.2%
Risk of death/life threatening/permanent disability from the vaccine- .018%
Risk of death by tractor (for tractor user)- .05% (this is an underestimate- you get the point)

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MX6000 HST open station, FEL, 6’ cutter, forks, 8’ rear blade, 7’ cultivator
Jan 14, 2019
Edgewood, New Mexico
IF they can come up with one that is based on the same yearly flu shots, and not some new untested vaccine that the mRNA one is, then there will be a lot more positive reception to it. With the Omicron, they have time now to study it, break it down, and use it in a standard type shot.

I good percentage of the so-called anti vaxxxer crowd who are refusing the shots is doing so because mRNA is too new, and has had very little trial data, less than 10 years since conception, with onl a small handful of trials, mainly for HIV and AIDS testing that have been inconclusive. It isn't so much the immediate side effects, but the long term effects that are as of yet still unknown.

I do not want my kids getting these shots because there is very little data on how mRNA will affect their still developing bodies. They are both in their teens, prime time for growth of their adulthood parts. What if the mRNA triggers some abnormal growth, or lack of it? We don't know, and scientists don't know because there have been so few long term trials.

As for long term immunity, MMR, Polio and the like are a series of shots, but once given, they last a lifetime. Smallpox, pretty sure everyone over 55 has had one before they were phased out, but we are still better protected than those under 55 even though we have not received any boosters since the initial arm scar. A good well working vaccine should protect us for a very long time, and there are some good indicators that Omicron is the vaccine we need. Over time, we may catch a covid cold again, but nothing like what it originally was. Every mass killer virus eventually fades to what we see today, an occasional sickness, but one that the vast majority can get over. Spanish flu still exists and is one of the flu bugs that occasionally makes it's way into the annual shot.

Lets also not forget how many die each year due to flu, and not WITH flu but FROM flu. The one thing about Flu is not everyone tests for it when sick, mild cases never see a doctor for a test, they take some OTC meds, crawl into bed and get back to normal after a few days, with no record of having it in a database. When a person with (insert co-morbitity) passes while also having the flu, it is marked as (insert co-morbitity) not flu, so we really have no idea how many die with the flu from co-morbitity. In 2017, I would not be surprised if the actual numbers far exceeded the 2020 numbers for Covid. 2017 was a bad year for Flu.
Johnson and Johnson vaccine is not mRNA. I was happy to get Pfizer, but to each their own.


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L4060HSTC-LE, loaded. B2410, L352 Loader, Woods BH70-X backhoe
Oct 21, 2021
Johnson and Johnson vaccine is not mRNA. I was happy to get Pfizer, but to each their own.

Which is the #1 reason I got the J&J shot and not the untested, unknown one. The blood clotting was attributed to improper application of the shots by not aspirating before injecting. There are veins and arteries in the shoulder where they do the injection and can hit one of them and inject it right into the blood stream, which can cause clotting.
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L3301, bucket, backhoe, grader, plow, harrow, cultivator
Nov 2, 2020
Not attempting to "justify" anything here, rather just sharing my reasoning.

I have seen six studies (3 via NIH, one BMJ, one NEJM - can't remember the other) that have found a significantly increased risk of adverse reaction to the vaccine for those who have previously had covid. Given that I have had it, and my symptoms were nothing more than sniffles and feeling a bit tired, I've decided the upside isn't worth the downside for me.

My mother-in-law is in a high-risk group, so it made sense for her.

One size does not fit all.
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L4060HSTC-LE, loaded. B2410, L352 Loader, Woods BH70-X backhoe
Oct 21, 2021
What is interesting, my wife got the J&J, never had Covid, and it made her ill. Fever, Puking, achy. Lasted about a day. I was not looking forward to those and held off a while, but eventually got the J&J. My head felt off kilter that day, but that was the only side effect. I did get Wuhan April/May of 2020, so was a bit concerned. She got Omicron in January, caught it at a medical center WHILE BEING MASKED and brought it home, so now all 5 of us are immunized. My mom had a slight cough, works at a rest home on weekends, and had to be tested. She tested positive for 3 weeks, but wasn't sick for more than 2 days, if you consider a slight cough being sick. She is 81, had the double dose, but no booster.
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Jun 27, 2019
Canton, Georgia
Among all the vaccines I have known in my life:
— diphtheria
— tetanus
— smallpox
— typhoid
— anthrax
— Rotavirus
— measles
— rubella
— chickenpox
— hepatitis
— meningitis
— tuberculosis
— flu and pneumonia.
I have never known of a vaccine that still required us to wear masks and maintain our social distance, even when fully vaccinated.
I had never heard of a vaccine that spreads the virus even after vaccination.
I had never heard of rewards, discounts, incentives to get vaccinated.
I never saw discrimination for those who didn't.
I have never known of a vaccine that threatens the relationship between family, colleagues and friends.
I have never seen a vaccine used to threaten livelihoods, work or school.
I have never seen a vaccine that would allow a 12-year-old to override parental consent. (even in Canadian schools)
After all the vaccines listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one, which discriminates, divides and judges society as it is.
And as the social fabric tightens… It's a powerful vaccine!
It does all these things, except IMMUNIZATION, if we still need:
— 3-monthly booster doses after we are fully vaccinated
— a negative test after we are fully vaccinated
— a mask after we are fully vaccinated
— to be hospitalized after we have been fully vaccinated
It's time for us to admit that we've been completely deceived.
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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Among all the vaccines I have known in my life:
— diphtheria
— tetanus
— smallpox
— typhoid
— anthrax
— Rotavirus
— measles
— rubella
— chickenpox
— hepatitis
— meningitis
— tuberculosis
— flu and pneumonia.
I have never known of a vaccine that still required us to wear masks and maintain our social distance, even when fully vaccinated.
I had never heard of a vaccine that spreads the virus even after vaccination.
I had never heard of rewards, discounts, incentives to get vaccinated.
I never saw discrimination for those who didn't.
I have never known of a vaccine that threatens the relationship between family, colleagues and friends.
I have never seen a vaccine used to threaten livelihoods, work or school.
I have never seen a vaccine that would allow a 12-year-old to override parental consent. (even in Canadian schools)
After all the vaccines listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one, which discriminates, divides and judges society as it is.
And as the social fabric tightens… It's a powerful vaccine!
It does all these things, except IMMUNIZATION, if we still need:
— 3-monthly booster doses after we are fully vaccinated
— a negative test after we are fully vaccinated
— a mask after we are fully vaccinated
— to be hospitalized after we have been fully vaccinated
It's time for us to admit that we've been completely deceived.
Afraid half of what you cite is incorrect. I understand people being frustrated that the knowledge of the new covid virus is incomplete, and the capabilities of the vaccines not yet fully understood, but it's no excuse for posting incorrect information.

E.g. as far as I know there is no TB vaccine, and if you are around someone with TB a mask would be a good idea . Tetanus is acquired when the bacteria enters an open wound. You remember this is the disease you might get from stepping on a rusty nail. The vaccine requires booster shots. Some of the others require eating contaminated food etc to catch, and so a mask would be ussless. The flu shot requires an annual vaccination, which is not 100% effective. Its virus is airborn, so a mask would be helpful. Etc etc. Do consider learning about each one....
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