Vaccination opinions wanted...


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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
I would consult my doctor Henro. This site is comprised of Kubota tractor enthusiasts. Your personal medical history and circumstances dictate your course of action.
I remember an old saying: Don't ask a question you don't want to hear the answer to.

I sort of adapted it over the years into: Don't waste time asking a question when you already know what the answer will be.

Of course, I am certain any doctor would say wait until it is recommended/approved...I have no medical issues of concern really. Actually no medical issues worth mentioning...toe nail fungus is a medical issue I guess...LOL.

Actually, I think I will delay the next booster until late fall or when approved. ONLY because since we got our vaccinations and boosters early, our protection is likely wearing down now. Had we waited, whatever protection is there would likely be higher than it is presently.

Once one has protection, delaying a booster might be beneficial.


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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
re: .toe nail fungus is a medical issue I guess...LOL.

might try 2-3000 units (2-3 pills) of Vitamin D...

if it got in due to 'bad skin', D which we don't get all winter, helps keep the skin healthy
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
For anyone with concern about their immune system protecting them should have a look at their Vit D levels.

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M7060HDC12, John Deere 2020 diesel
Mar 26, 2018
Winnemucca, Nevada
I got my first two shots (Pfizer) and booster. If they permit a 4th vaccination, I will get it. I get vaccinated for anything I can: tetanus, shingles, flu, pneumonia, and Covid. Vaccinations work and I hate being sick. I have to wonder about the thought process of people who vaccinate their dogs, horses, and livestock every year on schedule, but won’t vaccinate themselves.
^This is me also.

Going through some old files yesterday and found my shot records...from 1947. Typhus, diphtheria, a whole bunch of others. And right on down through the years. At boot camp in Great Lakes no one cared if I wanted a shot or not - we were all lined up and both arms were hit simultaneously with air guns. Several times. Vaccinated against anything the Navy thought we might catch in Vietnam. And through the years if there was something I thought I needed to be vaccinated against, I got the shot. I believe those shots have kept me healthy for nearly 80 years now so I'm not about to start refusing vaccinations.
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Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
If it's worth anything, my doc intently tracks what the Israelis are doing. He claims they are farther ahead, do better studies, & are more common sense oriented than other agencies & corporations.
If they recommend a 4th shot for those who are compromised by age or other vulnerabilities, he probably will too.
Once one has protection, delaying a booster might be beneficial.
That is what my doc recommended.
It will end up like the the flu, with annual vaccinations.
I think you are correct.


Well-known member

L4060HSTC-LE, loaded. B2410, L352 Loader, Woods BH70-X backhoe
Oct 21, 2021
Follow the data, follow the science. Natural Immunity is showing to be more effective than the vaccine. The data proves it.

I got Wuhan back in April/May 2020. I got the J&J in May or June 2021. I just recently got Omicron last month, still feeling some of the effects.

Now for the data, those who were vaccinated, but never infected had a higher risk of hospitalizations, of course highest risk were unvaccinated, goes without saying.

Those who were unvaccinated, but were previously infected had a much lower risk than vaccinate of hospitalizations.

Those who were both vaccinated and had previous infection has the lowest risk.

At this point if you were previously vaccinated, and infected, especially by Omicron, you no longer need a booster, and you just risk getting sick from one as your naturally immune now from Omicron.

Omicron has stimulated all receptors in the immune system which created more antibodies, and long term memory than you will ever get from the vaccines alone.

You don't need a booster if you were vaccinated and got Omicron.


Well-known member

L4060HSTC-LE, loaded. B2410, L352 Loader, Woods BH70-X backhoe
Oct 21, 2021
It will end up like the the flu, with annual vaccinations.

Actually more like a common cold since 20% of all colds are from coronavirus. As each iteration of the virus passes, they become more and more common. Omicron was more of a cold to me than the flu since it is upper respiratory more than anything else. The fever and aches were far from what I experienced with the Wuhan.


New member

2021 Kubota L3301 HST
Feb 4, 2022
NONE of the shots 'protect' you from getting 'it', rather they lessen the symptoms and chances of needing to stay in hospital. I've had my 3, stay away from crowds. though after 2 years I finally have someone 'in my circle' that has had 'it'. I'm in the 'high risk ' group... 68, lung problems(NOT cancer/smoking),so reasonably careful about 'contact'.
what's interesting was the SuperBowl...65K and 3-4 masks, Daytona500... no masks...
I guess I will assume the "high" risk group as close to 68 who chose to take my chances and get natural immunity, which I did with Omicron last month. In my state and circle of relatives and friends, it actually made little difference for getting, lessening symptoms, and passing away, jabbed or not. I will say I was thankful for medication I had stashed since 2020 that lessened mine to 3 days. Wife also not jabbed had mild symptoms and recovered in 2 days.


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B7100HSD, B2789, B2550, B4672, 48" cultivator, homemade FEL and Cab
Jun 10, 2016
Muskoka, Ont.
I think I have mentioned previously that I am an emergency responder in a major city. My career path has placed me at ground zero a number of times during the last 2 years. I have observed ground zero move with vaccination drives in different neighbourhoods and have ample first hand experience observing the effect of this virus & variants on both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons.

IMHO, for typical healthy individuals that do not have a previous contraindication for one or more of the available vaccines, they have been of great benefit, and saved many lives.

That said, they are indisputably less effective against contracting the two omicron variants. While delta could fairly be characterized as the disease of the unvaccinated, and while vaccination (including a booster shot) blunts the effects of omicron, it most certainly does not prevent the spread.

As I understand the emerging scientific thinking (noting that there are many variations yet -- certainly nothing close to a consensus) the antibodies associated with both vaccination and infection fade within weeks or months -- but evidence is starting to accumulate that memory B and T cells could provide the ability to fight off future infection (including all current variants) for months or years to come in many if not most people. Both are known to have a role in cross-reactive immune responses (ie: effective against similar but not identical virii).

Personally speaking, at this time I don't see the need for a healthy individual to get a 4th shot until and unless an omicron-specific version becomes available. It appears to me that the antibodies produced by the vaccine for the original covid virus are of limited benefit against omicron. It is my personal suspicion that it is the T and B cells that are primarily responsible for effectively combating omicron. It is my personal opinion this explains why a high percentage of vaccinated people can still contract omicron, yet the vast majority of the vaccinated have fairly minor symptoms that only last 1 to 3 days.

But my opinion may change without notice. There is so much yet unknown; new understandings are emerging monthly as studies continue. I am not a doctor. My experiences do not approach scientific study -- I haven't even read all the real studies. Your mileage may vary. Others have vastly different opinions and theories.
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Jul 28, 2015
Richmond, Virginia
The wife and I have minimal social contact, the beauty of living rural. We still had to mask some places. When we could get 'the jab' we did, even though my learning told me it was of limited benefit. But I doubted it was dangerous and the risk of possibly getting very ill was greater than potential side effects.
All medications just about have side effects. Most work by 'poisoning' your body and the bodies reaction to the poisoning is what cures your real issue. AFAIK, 'the jab' sort of worked this way and eventually, was 'washed' from your system after a period of time, hence the need for all the jabs.
I kn ow some had serious adverse reactions to the vax, it was expected. Just like some people are unable to eat certain foods.
Hopefully all this nonsense is behind us.


Well-known member

L4060HSTC-LE, loaded. B2410, L352 Loader, Woods BH70-X backhoe
Oct 21, 2021
Personally speaking, at this time I don't see the need for a healthy individual to get a 4th shot until and unless an omicron-specific version becomes available. It appears to me that the antibodies produced by the vaccine for the original covid virus are of limited benefit against omicron. It is my personal suspicion that it is the T and B cells that are primarily responsible for effectively combating omicron. It is my personal opinion this explains why a high percentage of vaccinated people can still contract omicron, yet the vast majority of the vaccinated have fairly minor symptoms that only last 1 to 3 days.
IF they can come up with one that is based on the same yearly flu shots, and not some new untested vaccine that the mRNA one is, then there will be a lot more positive reception to it. With the Omicron, they have time now to study it, break it down, and use it in a standard type shot.

I good percentage of the so-called anti vaxxxer crowd who are refusing the shots is doing so because mRNA is too new, and has had very little trial data, less than 10 years since conception, with onl a small handful of trials, mainly for HIV and AIDS testing that have been inconclusive. It isn't so much the immediate side effects, but the long term effects that are as of yet still unknown.

I do not want my kids getting these shots because there is very little data on how mRNA will affect their still developing bodies. They are both in their teens, prime time for growth of their adulthood parts. What if the mRNA triggers some abnormal growth, or lack of it? We don't know, and scientists don't know because there have been so few long term trials.

As for long term immunity, MMR, Polio and the like are a series of shots, but once given, they last a lifetime. Smallpox, pretty sure everyone over 55 has had one before they were phased out, but we are still better protected than those under 55 even though we have not received any boosters since the initial arm scar. A good well working vaccine should protect us for a very long time, and there are some good indicators that Omicron is the vaccine we need. Over time, we may catch a covid cold again, but nothing like what it originally was. Every mass killer virus eventually fades to what we see today, an occasional sickness, but one that the vast majority can get over. Spanish flu still exists and is one of the flu bugs that occasionally makes it's way into the annual shot.

Lets also not forget how many die each year due to flu, and not WITH flu but FROM flu. The one thing about Flu is not everyone tests for it when sick, mild cases never see a doctor for a test, they take some OTC meds, crawl into bed and get back to normal after a few days, with no record of having it in a database. When a person with (insert co-morbitity) passes while also having the flu, it is marked as (insert co-morbitity) not flu, so we really have no idea how many die with the flu from co-morbitity. In 2017, I would not be surprised if the actual numbers far exceeded the 2020 numbers for Covid. 2017 was a bad year for Flu.
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2021 Kubota L3301 HST
Feb 4, 2022
I think I have mentioned previously that I am an emergency responder in a major city. My career path has placed me at ground zero a number of times during the last 2 years. I have observed ground zero move with vaccination drives in different neighbourhoods and have ample first hand experience observing the effect of this virus & variants on both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons.

IMHO, for typical healthy individuals that do not have a previous contraindication for one or more of the available vaccines, they have been of great benefit, and saved many lives.

That said, they are indisputably less effective against contracting the two omicron variants. While delta could fairly be characterized as the disease of the unvaccinated, and while vaccination (including a booster shot) blunts the effects of omicron, it most certainly does not prevent the spread.

As I understand the emerging scientific thinking (noting that there are many variations yet -- certainly nothing close to a consensus) the antibodies associated with both vaccination and infection fade within weeks or months -- but evidence is starting to accumulate that memory B and T cells could provide the ability to fight off future infection (including all current variants) for months or years to come in many if not most people. Both are known to have a role in cross-reactive immune responses (ie: effective against similar but not identical virii).

Personally speaking, at this time I don't see the need for a healthy individual to get a 4th shot until and unless an omicron-specific version becomes available. It appears to me that the antibodies produced by the vaccine for the original covid virus are of limited benefit against omicron. It is my personal suspicion that it is the T and B cells that are primarily responsible for effectively combating omicron. It is my personal opinion this explains why a high percentage of vaccinated people can still contract omicron, yet the vast majority of the vaccinated have fairly minor symptoms that only last 1 to 3 days.

But my opinion may change without notice. There is so much yet unknown; new understandings are emerging monthly as studies continue. I am not a doctor. My experiences do not approach scientific study -- I haven't even read all the real studies. Your mileage may vary. Others have vastly different opinions and theories.
I might add tho we have always chosen not to vaccinate, flu or otherwise, we have always been Proactive with a strict diet, daily exercise and with this virus treating propholatycally. Using one med and supplements possibly kept the first two variants at bay, and treated Omi successfully once contracted. Doing nothing is never a good option, but I want to always be the one in control of what that option is and will fight for that to the end.
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Well-known member

L4060HSTC-LE, loaded. B2410, L352 Loader, Woods BH70-X backhoe
Oct 21, 2021
That reminds me, I started taking Vitamin B complex and Vitamin D and ZINC, and believe that helped me get over it much sooner.

Does anyone else think it odd that the focus all along was a vaccine and not therapeutic? Whenever a drug was found to be effective at treating it, it was put down as heretic? Many studies showed effective treatments in other countries, but not tried or done here, and if a dr did try it they lost their practice.
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
That reminds me, I started taking Vitamin B complex and Vitamin D and ZINC, and believe that helped me get over it much sooner.

Does anyone else think it odd that the focus all along was a vaccine and not therapeutic? Whenever a drug was found to be effective at treating it, it was put down as heretic? Many studies showed effective treatments in other countries, but not tried or done here, and if a dr did try it they lost their practice.
I have a sister who lives in Mexico (way down there). It's interesting what the Mexican government provides in a medical kit for each family, and it's very inexpensive!
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L3901 RCR1260
Apr 14, 2021
That reminds me, I started taking Vitamin B complex and Vitamin D and ZINC, and believe that helped me get over it much sooner.

Does anyone else think it odd that the focus all along was a vaccine and not therapeutic? Whenever a drug was found to be effective at treating it, it was put down as heretic? Many studies showed effective treatments in other countries, but not tried or done here, and if a dr did try it they lost their practice.
Way past odd. There is one plan and one plan only.
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2021 L2501 Loader, Backhoe, LandPride Grapple, Tiller, Forks, Quick Connect
Dec 20, 2021
Wilson, NC
Henro, I believe that your freedom to decide is your decision. I believe having information about all facts, pro and con, related to the shots is crucial. I, my wife, and my 3 adult children have refused the shots. I know that all information has not been presented, especially on the con side because of suppression by media and government, pertaining to the vacs. We were told / ordered to mask, it was 100% according to government, Medical, media, CDC, now being told masking not affective other than N95 mask which are not 100%. IMO there has not been enough time of usage to see possible long lasting side effects or damage to the human body. There are studies out there, many suppressed, that show problems created with the heart and lungs from both the vacs and from having COVID. With that said, because of my business, my desire to never harm anyone else, or infringe on anyone else's beliefs we follow all protocols and more. Masks, gloves, sanitizers, booty's, etc... I still caught COVID Delta December 2020 and the Omicron this January. I would be considered high risk, 61, type 2 diabetic, blood pressure but take no medications. I try to live a healthy lifestyle to offset those issues. Those with severe comorbidities have a different situation to consider and should. It was not fun to have covid but was no different than having any other flu or cold I have had in my lifetime. My Dad (at the time 83) had heart valve repair surgery in January 2020, got out of hospital just as Delta was coming on strong. As we were checking out, they were closing to visitors. His primary doctor, well as he put it, she brow beat him to vaccinate at every visit. He never vaccinated and never got sick. August of last year he told me he was tired of the doctor harassment, so he wanted me to take him to get the Moderna shot. First shot he didn't feel good couple days. Second shot no problems until 2 weeks later he had a mini stroke and fell. Luckly did not hurt himself in fall. Doctor said he got up to fast. 2 weeks later another mini stroke and fell right in front of me. We were on the way to the doctor so got him up and carried him. Doctor said test showed the shots had inflamed his heart causing the symptoms, but she could not put it in his files as such. Go figure!! It took 4 months for him to get his cognitive senses and mobility back. He turned 84 January and has not gotten covid and back to his self. He refuses to take another shot. He has never vaccinated other than childhood and says he never will again. Yes, he and I are blessed by God, and therein lies our faith and freedom to decide for ourselves. May God bless you also brother in your endeavors!!
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Well-known member
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Henro, I believe that your freedom to decide is your decision. I believe having information about all facts, pro and con, related to the shots is crucial. I, my wife, and my 3 adult children have refused the shots. I know that all information has not been presented, especially on the con side because of suppression by media and government, pertaining to the vacs. We were told / ordered to mask, it was 100% according to government, Medical, media, CDC, now being told masking not affective other than N95 mask which are not 100%. IMO there has not been enough time of usage to see possible long lasting side effects or damage to the human body. There are studies out there, many suppressed, that show problems created with the heart and lungs from both the vacs and from having COVID. With that said, because of my business, my desire to never harm anyone else, or infringe on anyone else's beliefs we follow all protocols and more. Masks, gloves, sanitizers, booty's, etc... I still caught COVID Delta December 2020 and the Omicron this January. I would be considered high risk, 61, type 2 diabetic, blood pressure but take no medications. I try to live a healthy lifestyle to offset those issues. Those with severe comorbidities have a different situation to consider and should. It was not fun to have covid but was no different than having any other flu or cold I have had in my lifetime. My Dad (at the time 83) had heart valve repair surgery in January 2020, got out of hospital just as Delta was coming on strong. As we were checking out, they were closing to visitors. His primary doctor, well as he put it, she brow beat him to vaccinate at every visit. He never vaccinated and never got sick. August of last year he told me he was tired of the doctor harassment, so he wanted me to take him to get the Moderna shot. First shot he didn't feel good couple days. Second shot no problems until 2 weeks later he had a mini stroke and fell. Luckly did not hurt himself in fall. Doctor said he got up to fast. 2 weeks later another mini stroke and fell right in front of me. We were on the way to the doctor so got him up and carried him. Doctor said test showed the shots had inflamed his heart causing the symptoms, but she could not put it in his files as such. Go figure!! It took 4 months for him to get his cognitive senses and mobility back. He turned 84 January and has not gotten covid and back to his self. He refuses to take another shot. He has never vaccinated other than childhood and says he never will again. Yes, he and I are blessed by God, and therein lies our faith and freedom to decide for ourselves. May God bless you also brother in your endeavors!!
I agree with you 100%!!


Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
Well, as I said, with the help of you guys, I concluded that we should be in no hurry as far as getting a forth shot.

Also, no need to justify getting or not getting a shot in this thread.
Henro, I believe that your freedom to decide is your decision. I believe having information about all facts, pro and con, related to the shots is crucial. I, my wife, and my 3 adult children have refused the shots. I know that all information has not been presented, especially on the con side because of suppression by media and government, pertaining to the vacs. We were told / ordered to mask, it was 100% according to government, Medical, media, CDC, now being told masking not affective other than N95 mask which are not 100%. IMO there has not been enough time of usage to see possible long lasting side effects or damage to the human body. There are studies out there, many suppressed, that show problems created with the heart and lungs from both the vacs and from having COVID. With that said, because of my business, my desire to never harm anyone else, or infringe on anyone else's beliefs we follow all protocols and more. Masks, gloves, sanitizers, booty's, etc... I still caught COVID Delta December 2020 and the Omicron this January. I would be considered high risk, 61, type 2 diabetic, blood pressure but take no medications. I try to live a healthy lifestyle to offset those issues. Those with severe comorbidities have a different situation to consider and should. It was not fun to have covid but was no different than having any other flu or cold I have had in my lifetime. My Dad (at the time 83) had heart valve repair surgery in January 2020, got out of hospital just as Delta was coming on strong. As we were checking out, they were closing to visitors. His primary doctor, well as he put it, she brow beat him to vaccinate at every visit. He never vaccinated and never got sick. August of last year he told me he was tired of the doctor harassment, so he wanted me to take him to get the Moderna shot. First shot he didn't feel good couple days. Second shot no problems until 2 weeks later he had a mini stroke and fell. Luckly did not hurt himself in fall. Doctor said he got up to fast. 2 weeks later another mini stroke and fell right in front of me. We were on the way to the doctor so got him up and carried him. Doctor said test showed the shots had inflamed his heart causing the symptoms, but she could not put it in his files as such. Go figure!! It took 4 months for him to get his cognitive senses and mobility back. He turned 84 January and has not gotten covid and back to his self. He refuses to take another shot. He has never vaccinated other than childhood and says he never will again. Yes, he and I are blessed by God, and therein lies our faith and freedom to decide for ourselves. May God bless you also brother in your endeavors!!
I was just asking for opinions from others who were vaccinated.

We each make our own decisions.

Anyway, I decided not to hurry up a forth shot. Thinking that delaying might be to our advantage.

Bottom line is we all make our own decisions. We make a choice and hope for the best. In EVERYTHING, not just vaccinations.

No problem with that.

Good luck to all, regardless of what we each decide as life goes on...

Edit: is really a good idea to break a mass of text into smaller paragraphs for people to comprehend more easily.
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