Aside of a herd of Pandas or a dozer or thermonuclear interaction,, does any one know how to get rid of this stuff,,, the patch is WAY to big to dig and pull roots,, something just short of agent orange is what I need,, any ideas???
Kytim is right! Bamboo has roots which keep the energy and can stayy in the ground while you try to get rid of the plants. The root is also growing long way's and you can get another bamboo-field several yards away. You need to kill it. You need to clean the soil up to 3 feet deep!! Or you burn it with a big fire so the soil will get heaten up...dozer would be best!!
Aside of a herd of Pandas or a dozer or thermonuclear interaction,, does any one know how to get rid of this stuff,,, the patch is WAY to big to dig and pull roots,, something just short of agent orange is what I need,, any ideas???
Eric is 110% right. Since I do read directions I just take it that everyone else is smart enough to read the instruction,which is a big mistake on my part, when in fact too may people do not read them. All of these chemicals we are talking about are highly poisonous to humans also, chemical burns, blindness respiratory problems and even death to you, animals or pets. So read them and also wear protective clothing and breathing apparatus, which are both very useful when it comes to smart handling!!Which ever liquid chemical you plan to use, do yourself a huge favor and READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! I'm sittin here now at the Lowe's website as I type this and I am reading the reviews on Ortho Ground Clear which is what I use and those stupid idiots can seem to follow instructions! The instructions on the lable are put there in place for a reason and tell you how to use the chemical correctly.
A 12' x 12' is a very small patch to deal with and using bleach is a viable method for small areas and for people that have the time to keep reapplying and if you want to wait 2 years for it to work.I had about a 12 x 12 patch on my property and tried everything like you did. I finally put chlorox bleach in a garden sprayer and began hitting the leaves. The leaves began to turn yellow then brown. Keep the leaves in this condition and they can provide energy to the roots. Two years and the stuff is gone.
Don't spray until you have a few days of dry weather after spraying. Be careful only to hit the leaves. I let very little fall to the ground. If you are careful, it's about the safest thing I found. The object is to spray often and with a light mist spray.