Do you drive fast?


Well-known member

Jan 17, 2021
that's where I learned to drive. On a race track.

Go-karts (WKA) all over the midwest til age 13. Moved 600 miles south, no tracks, sold it all and started drag racing. Few years afterwards a new coworker was involved in USAC and WoO stuff, and got involved there too, briefly. Still drag racing, though not professionally anymore.

Raced many times against Smoke on small dirt tracks in the midwest when we was kids. Very good driver and extremely focused on every aspect right down to tires, nuts, bolts everything. Also spend a "minute" in the driver's seat driving in circles against the best sprint car racer in the business. The King. That stuff ain't for me. I'm way too tall for one and not crazy enough. Over 900hp and the car weighs 1250 lbs, and has a 36" tall tire on the right rear and about a shorter one on the left rear. You do the math.
I raced motorcycles for a short bit. Cbr600rr. Was a blast. Crashed. And ended my short career. Learned a pile about riding motorcycles and recommend new riders go to a race weekend rent their bike and gear and go test their limits there.


Well-known member

Oct 21, 2017
I'm guilty on Canadian roads as well. 135 mph (not kph) in a rented Camry on a very long, straight stretch of road in Alberta. It was a long boring stretch between Edmonton and Cold Lake. I don't know what came over me but my right foot went down and speedo posted 135.

After about 2 miles, thoughts of Royal Canadian Mounties and Moose got the better of me and I coasted back down to the speed limit. I can't believe that the Camry rental had even more to give.

The rental ran great...especially after the "Italian" tune up. ;)

I'll be the first to admit, it was a really stupid thing to do and I'd never do anything of that sort again.
Lucky for you your rental company didn't bill you speeding charges based on their blackbox readings. I've heard horror stories of renters seeing multiple "speeding surcharges" appearing on their credit card after the fact. Not from the police, sur-charges from the rental car companies.


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
There is no replacement for displacement,, :) Yep been a few tickets for trying to out run the local PoPo and most always did, the state PoPo cars on the other hand,,, not so much. And this is the main reason i use the cruzzzzzz control when Im onthe slab, because like said the new ones are so smooth and reall more power it is nothing to get into trouble very quickly. Around here as a money saving idea the state did away with the interstate patrols and so people thing its like the autobahn I guess


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BX2230, LA211
Nov 15, 2018
Goshen, IN
There is no replacement for displacement,, :) Yep been a few tickets for trying to out run the local PoPo and most always did, the state PoPo cars on the other hand,,, not so much. And this is the main reason i use the cruzzzzzz control when Im onthe slab, because like said the new ones are so smooth and reall more power it is nothing to get into trouble very quickly. Around here as a money saving idea the state did away with the interstate patrols and so people thing its like the autobahn I guess
Dad used to repeat a saying a cop buddy told him once: "You might outrun my Chevrolet, but you can't out run my old two way."


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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
For a long time, I've been mostly keeping up with traffic. No longer have that need for speed, and find fun in other things that don't carry as much of a risk of killing someone else.

I drove "in a most spirited manner" when I was young. My 62 Olds Starfire had a speedometer that looked like a straight line that ran across the instrument panel, changing colors as it progressed. It was green till around 35, orange till around 55 or 60, then red. If you'd bury it (120MPH) and stay on the skinny pedal, it would go from red to white to black. It was mechanical, and the color change was just a matter of what you could see in the long skinny slit. Apparently it was nothing more than a cylinder with the different colors painted on it and it rotated farther as the speed increased.

After that came a Chevelle and a few Camaros. The first Camaro was the quickest car I've ever driven. It had a 350 that a local speed shop worked its magic on and a Muncie 4 speed. There are rumors I may not have stopped on a few occasions when a car behind me displayed its flashing lights.


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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
...Around here as a money saving idea the state did away with the interstate patrols and so people thing its like the autobahn I guess
I live not too far from Skeets, and I79 passes by both of us, and I suspect we both use it frequently.

So this morning wife and I take I79 north a bit to do some shopping. I am not paying attention, just enjoying the blue sky and full sun, and keeping up with traffic.

Happen to look down and we are going 85 MPH, just like everyone else. Speed limit was 55, but just about to change to 65...

As someone mentioned, today's cars are smooth and quiet. Wasn't the same back in the 60s. Back then you knew you were going fast...

Hope they don't start funding patrols again on the interstates! Eh Skeets? :ROFLMAO:
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B6200, Kubota 2030 Front Blade, King Cutter 60" finishing deck
Jan 11, 2022
Gallatin, NY USA
My mom brought to the junk yard to get paper work out the glove box of the '71 Torino I totaled the night before. The yard guy said , 'Jeese, how many died in this one?" Mom told him that this idiot kid just walked away with a bloody nose. Transmission hub was up in the passenger compartment. Police estimated I hit the second set of trees somewhat north of 50 mph.
So, I used to drive way to fast. Now I drive just a little fast.
Before I retired I used to commute on a nice open V-twin Honda. Steady 100+ on I-90 !
Last time I got pulled over on the bike I handed the trooper my license and AARP card. He just laughed and walked back to his car and told me to have a good day SIR.


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Kubota LX2610SU
Apr 22, 2021
Heart of the Catskills
I used to drive fast. When I was young I would drive about as fast as my car would go. Fortunately I could not afford a car that went very fast. And, I have been lucky enough to never have caused a crash, though I have been hit a few times for minor fender benders. Also, I have ridden motorcycles most of my life and always rode fast when traffic allowed. My motorcycles were much faster than my cars and trucks. As I have gotten older, and learned from my many mistakes, I have slowed down to the point where I drive at about the same speed as the average driver on the road at the time. Where I live that is about 10 mph over the posted speed limit.


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
There is no replacement for displacement,,

yeah there is

take your pick. Screw, centrifugal, roots, turbo, or CH3NO2. Oh almost forgot N2O but I don't use it so I leave it out.

Have exp with all 4. Prefer the nitro but can't afford it without help.

both daily drivers are turbocharged. 93 mustang, original 4 cylinder 2.3L 5 speed, but I took the original 2.3 out and dropped in an SVO 2.3 (turbocharged). A lot more fun, even bone stock. 200hp or something? Better than 112 it was originally. The truck is a diesel's a slug, no matter how much power/torque it makes, it's still 8,000 lbs and it's still slow. I think it's zero to 60 time is yawn. Feels like a whole hour.

I always get a laugh out of the corvette, hellcat, and GT500 guys saying "I can go 0-60 in 4 seconds". Well I can go 0-210 in 4 seconds. They act like their stuff don't stink especially the corvette guys. To each their own.

Sold all my fast car stuff and went back to bracket racing my slow car I've had for over THIRTY years. It's typically 5.70 at 125-ish in the 1/8 mi and I'm happy with that, although the faster stuff I kind of got used to sure makes it feel SLOW. Still fun-and a LOT less expensive.

wish i could find pictures. Y'all kinda laughed when I said I have a problem. Everything I have owned I've tried to put a turbocharger on at some point (except the rail and the bracket car and the bracket car isn't out of the question). 3 wheeler lawn mower 4 wheeler diesel mower several trucks/cars, etc. Some weren't as successful as others. The diesel mower cleared up the exhaust smoke but that was all it really did; I felt no power difference (maybe there was, but I couldn't tell). The 3 wheeler because uncontrollable (225 yamaha); typical old school turbocharged build....alcohol fuel, draw through carb, very very laggy. No power til about 5500 rpm or so, then it was like a light switch and those things are already light in the nose as you may know. Nothing but wheelie in all 5 gears, even hammering the throttle from a dead stop in 5th, let it start to wind and next thing you know your foot is on the rear brake pedal trying to get the front end back down, while rolling 40+ mph on an otherwise very sketchy piece of junk ATV on a dirt trail that is nowhere near level so it wants to go side-to-side...yeah...dangerous. Suprised I didn't die on that thing.


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Well I guess Im old cause you park a new 2022 cumasucky lectric thing, next to a 69 Road Runner or a 63 split window vett, a GT 350 or 500 an AMX of a GT40 or a Panteria, and a countless big block cars, and you thingie might be faster and more technology advanced. And I can tell you the 22 might get a passing glance, and I for one like the sound of a big block no matter what color it is.
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Lifetime Member

Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
yeah there is

take your pick. Screw, centrifugal, roots, turbo, or CH3NO2. Oh almost forgot N2O but I don't use it so I leave it out.

Have exp with all 4. Prefer the nitro but can't afford it without help.

both daily drivers are turbocharged. 93 mustang, original 4 cylinder 2.3L 5 speed, but I took the original 2.3 out and dropped in an SVO 2.3 (turbocharged). A lot more fun, even bone stock. 200hp or something? Better than 112 it was originally. The truck is a diesel's a slug, no matter how much power/torque it makes, it's still 8,000 lbs and it's still slow. I think it's zero to 60 time is yawn. Feels like a whole hour.

I always get a laugh out of the corvette, hellcat, and GT500 guys saying "I can go 0-60 in 4 seconds". Well I can go 0-210 in 4 seconds. They act like their stuff don't stink especially the corvette guys. To each their own.

Sold all my fast car stuff and went back to bracket racing my slow car I've had for over THIRTY years. It's typically 5.70 at 125-ish in the 1/8 mi and I'm happy with that, although the faster stuff I kind of got used to sure makes it feel SLOW. Still fun-and a LOT less expensive.

wish i could find pictures. Y'all kinda laughed when I said I have a problem. Everything I have owned I've tried to put a turbocharger on at some point (except the rail and the bracket car and the bracket car isn't out of the question). 3 wheeler lawn mower 4 wheeler diesel mower several trucks/cars, etc. Some weren't as successful as others. The diesel mower cleared up the exhaust smoke but that was all it really did; I felt no power difference (maybe there was, but I couldn't tell). The 3 wheeler because uncontrollable (225 yamaha); typical old school turbocharged build....alcohol fuel, draw through carb, very very laggy. No power til about 5500 rpm or so, then it was like a light switch and those things are already light in the nose as you may know. Nothing but wheelie in all 5 gears, even hammering the throttle from a dead stop in 5th, let it start to wind and next thing you know your foot is on the rear brake pedal trying to get the front end back down, while rolling 40+ mph on an otherwise very sketchy piece of junk ATV on a dirt trail that is nowhere near level so it wants to go side-to-side...yeah...dangerous. Suprised I didn't die on that thing.
I will never forget the car and driver article responding to a readers letter. The reader was responding to the "new" corvette (1990-91?) and saying how it was a heavy, no handling overpriced POS and his 67 vette would eat it for supper.

Well I am sure if he is still alive he would still be embarrassed today by the magazines response.

The magazine put all the stats up there. About the only thing the old one had on the new one was weight and turning radius.

0-60 0-100 top speed, 100-0, 60-0 etc. The new one absolutely tromped the old one and did it with air conditioning, anti-lock brakes, air bags and a host of other new "required" gear.

The funny part which is why I never forgot about it was the side by side comparison of the 67 vette to the pontiac transport mini van. I hate to bust your bubble vette guys but the mini van won in just about every category INCLUDING handling - lol.


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Lifetime Member

Dec 7, 2009
central ct
Well I guess Im old cause you park a new 2022 cumasucky lectric thing, next to a 69 Road Runner or a 63 split window vett, a GT 350 or 500 an AMX of a GT40 or a Panteria Pantera, and a countless big block cars, and you thingie might be faster and more technology advanced. And I can tell you the 22 might get a passing glance, and I for one like the sound of a big block no matter what color it is.
There fixed it for you Skeets. I bought a 72 Pantera, 351W and all. The following year I built what was basically a mild racer 4 bolt 351CJ from a bare block up to drop in it. Although it was a monster compared to the Windsor, the ZF transaxle was geared very low. Probably had a top speed over 170mph. My wife and topped out the Windsor on a cross country trip at 150, 6000rpm and those valves were floating. No floating with solid lifters :)

As far as noise goes, yeah the whole neighborhood knew when I got home. I got a 'noise' ticket on I84 by a Ct State Trooper. He had a db meter by the side of the road. I had 30 days to 'rectify' the problem.

wtf the stock 'mufflers' were little cans. I had to go to DMV and show them it was fixed or they would pull the registration.

They had no db meter and the inspector I got was a car nut. He went outside and asked me to start it up. Then he asked what I did to fix it. I looked at it and started to say 'nothing' but he interrupted and said, "it sounds like you brushed the exhaust out with a wire brush". I immediately repeated what he said. Then he said, "You must have removed a lot of built up carbon". I echoed that right back to him.

Then he said I did a good job and signed off on the repair. Then we talked about the car / engine build for 10 minutes.

Sometimes its better to be lucky than good.


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I remember 1 bright yellow Pantera, well I have only seem one, But I diegress it was in 71 or 72, me and 4 buds were coming home from work outside of Pittsburgh at a micro wave repeater station. I was driving my Plymouth that was pure stock,, coff coff coff,, Any ways this yellow thing roared past and I mean roared, in to 2nd and off we go, both 4s wide open and when we caught up to it there was a pretty little blond, looked no more than 19 or 20 driving, she looked over and smiled, then stabed it and she was gonzo,,, What a lovely morning


Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
I remember 1 bright yellow Pantera, well I have only seem one, But I diegress it was in 71 or 72, me and 4 buds were coming home from work outside of Pittsburgh at a micro wave repeater station. I was driving my Plymouth that was pure stock,, coff coff coff,, Any ways this yellow thing roared past and I mean roared, in to 2nd and off we go, both 4s wide open and when we caught up to it there was a pretty little blond, looked no more than 19 or 20 driving, she looked over and smiled, then stabed it and she was gonzo,,, What a lovely morning
I have similar memories...but then I wonder if I got the age or weight right...still fun remembering though...not necessarily a car memory I suppose...LOL