Not the same is not an individual thing when looking at things on a world scale.
Regularly proven wrong by who? How can we tell if those sources are accurate and truthful?
Start with regularly proven wrong by themselves.
Fauci for instance has taken many different positions on just masks. Masks won’t do anything, wear a mask, wear two masks, don’t wear a mask if you are vaccinated. You must wear a mask if you are vaccinated.
Of course, the politicians are the same. Maybe you don’t see the contradictions in video on your “sources” but they are clearly out there. The same people taking opposite positions depending on which party is in power.
Then, there are the “news” pundits. They also have taken opposite positions for the same things. Cuomo is a god now Cuomo is awful. Avenati was a viable Presidental contender and great guy until he was caught. There was collusion with Russia for years, but of course, no evidence was ever found. They buried the Hunter stories, but then eventually covered the stories.
I could go on and on, but the truth is your sources “stink”. Mine do too most of the time. You should assume they are wrong instead of right and look for opposing views that agree. If the majority of both political parties/sources agree, then it “might” be true.
Sure, most of the people on both sides don’t bother to look deeper. Instead, they are looking for confirmation bias. If that’s what you want, you can find it. But, most of the time, it might not be true.