Hey all, I need some help... I bought a 2018 BX2680 earlier this year and everything was going great. Last week i was mowing the lawn for like an hour; then disengaged, set brake jumped off to pick up some trash and realized that I was in the mid and rear PTO position. Didn't think anything of it put it in the mid position only, engaged the PTO and it started right up started mowing again, went about 30' and the PTO shut off... I now can not get the PTO to engage!!!! Becoming frustrating as i have checked the seat safety switches and still can't get it to engage. The PTO is not seized up either... Tractor only has 97 hours on it would think it is something simple that I am overlooking???? Please any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Trying not to have to take it to the dealer but May be forced to!!! Thank You in advance...