What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
I remember being in high school and 5 or 6 of the "city" badasses were going to come out here and show the farm boy how to get some work done. You know the type, if you can do I can do it better. We had 25 or 30 acres of wheat straw baled and were just starting to load out and stack in the barn. It only took a few minutes to find out that shorts and tennis shoes were not the best choice in wheat stubble. It only took to the end of the first load for them to find out playing video games really wasn't work and those tender little hands were in trouble.
At the end of the day only one was left and he looked bad. Cut, bleeding and blistered but he was there till the last bale was stacked. Ended up loving the farm life and we were best friends until he died.



Carraro tgf 7800 taijfun 4,5 t winch, trailer with crane, double bl saw
Apr 17, 2015
Bavaria South Germany
log splitting with screw type splitter fed by forestry crane


did some log splitting with rest of the pine tree 1 m logs. used the L 5040 with forestry trailer, crane and pto driven screw type splitter all with one tractor,
now ist sahll be cut with a double blade circular swa, which shall be driven froma Iseki Tu 185 though.
Stack and loading done by the bota again with a rear loader.
Can be seen under home made implements/ self made




Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Re: log splitting with screw type splitter fed by forestry crane

That's a heck of a rig, I would love to see some more pics.


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Dec 10, 2014
Ste Geneveive county, MO
Yesterday I unloaded my new Woodmaxx WM-8M off the back of my truck so I could assemble it. One thing about Dodge Ram 4x4s, they sit really high. Almost didn't have enough lift to get the chipper out of the crate while it was on the back of the truck. Got it all put together and did a little clean up along the driveway of branches that I had trimmed off some trees. Did a couple 3" limbs and it handled them with no problem.




Kubota L345DT, Kubota M4500DT, International 544, Ford 3000, 1949 8N Ford
May 5, 2015
Albany, OR
I remember being in high school and 5 or 6 of the "city" badasses were going to come out here and show the farm boy how to get some work done. You know the type, if you can do I can do it better. We had 25 or 30 acres of wheat straw baled and were just starting to load out and stack in the barn. It only took a few minutes to find out that shorts and tennis shoes were not the best choice in wheat stubble. It only took to the end of the first load for them to find out playing video games really wasn't work and those tender little hands were in trouble.
At the end of the day only one was left and he looked bad. Cut, bleeding and blistered but he was there till the last bale was stacked. Ended up loving the farm life and we were best friends until he died.
Great story. Before I bought the grapple I would hire a couple of kids to help, usually my son's high school buddies. It was funny to watch them pitch bales like they were nothin' in the morning and around 2:00 barely drag themselves to the next bale...



Carraro tgf 7800 taijfun 4,5 t winch, trailer with crane, double bl saw
Apr 17, 2015
Bavaria South Germany
Re: log splitting with screw type splitter fed by forestry crane

That's a heck of a rig, I would love to see some more pics.

I ve put a video on youtube, it was from the first day log splitting with the crane,
Under home made fabrication "forestry trailer" you ll find some pics
The link to the video is





Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
I guess this would fall under what I did on a friends Kubota.

I got to try out a 8540 today baling hay. It was alot different from my 9000. The right side has quite a few more controls to mess with than what I'm used to. I will say this though, the remotes are 10x smoother than what mine has. They felt and functioned much better than the old ones do. I guess this is one of the improvements of the 40 series.
Something else I noticed was the difference in power. On paper they're just 7 hp apart but it felt more like 20 in the field. All in all it was a good productive day. With 2 balers running we did 60 acres in about 5 hrs.


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
What we baled yesterday was mostly fescue but had some clover and other grass mixed in. Part of the field had litter put on but some was to wet and got nothing so it was up and down on the count. I was told it was close to 60 acres and it produced 142 4x5 bales, so about 2.4 bales per acre.

Mine here at home had a 4.06 bale average but I was able to get litter on most of mine last fall.

Some friends cut 100 acres right down the road from me and they had a 3 bale average.

So I would say that a 3 to 3.5 average is a fair estimate in my area this year. I don't know why but it's down for everybody this year. I have seen that 100 acre farm produce 8 bale average before so it's way off the mark. I hope we have some good weather so our 2nd and 3rd cut will make up some of the difference.


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
Giving tool carrier a whole new meaning. image.jpg

Started moving back into shop, my little tractor carries a loaded roller cabinet- im impressed. Except for the worn out tilt adjuster on the 3point slipping it went well.


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
Hi all... been almost a month as I have been 'on vacation' to my Texas property where my Kubota is... and due to inclement weather, didn't get a heckuva lot done! (Ouch)

The ground was soaked beyond all belief but since I'm not in a flood area it became more swamp than river... I didn't dare take the Kubota out for 3 days just to let the ground dry up because it would just make a seriously ugly mess of the ground and the 4' high weeds would not have helped.

Eventually, ground dried out enough to run the tractor without leaving massive ruts everywhere. She fired up after 8 months in storage on first cylinder up... awesome! Hooked up the RCR1260 and started going to town on the 4' high weeds that were loving the thunderstorms I was cursing. Whole bunch of rain squalls during the day so I got wet from time to time while mowing, but it was kind of fun.

On the plus side, the pond was near maximum capacity now... it had always been dry as a bone all my previous visits!

I didn't get a chance to do any of my tractor mods I had planned, with the weather, taking care of the kid, the dog, etc. Wasn't going to happen.

My wife took on the task of painting the tops of our two shipping containers. She did an awesome job between the storms and I let the kid drive the tractor around with me. He's four and doesn't drive very straight but we got the job done.

Four Wheel drive was mandatory in the semi-muddy conditions. Loved that. Hadn't had to mow in 4WD before but it came in handy this time.

I was using the bucket to push down the grass before it got mowed and managed to catch thousands (over the course of the mow job) of grasshoppers in the bucket. Here's a movie of them with my son seeing all of them for the first time. (yes, they're grasshoppers, not crickets. Only a handful of crickets were on the property that I saw.)

Here are some pictures from the fun...


Russell King

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L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
Shaun -
In Texas a "pond" is a tank. The steel things that hold crude oil and water are also tanks.

A lake is a big tank but a reservoir holds a lot of water also... The reservoirs are just usually by the big city's.

Just don't call it a pond or you will get eye rolls from the natives!

What part of Texas - probably the more eastern part - more rain there lately but here in central Texas we are happy to see the rain! It just needs to be a bit farther west to fill Lake Buchanan!


New member
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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
Well, my Texican is not entirely up to snuff so it's still a 'pond' to me, a heathen Californian, hopefully ex-Californian in a few years!

That property is a little north of Abilene, gateway to North Texas and West Texas, so it didn't get pounded by Bill, just some rain from him. It didn't get pounded by the storms Dallas did, but got plenty anyway. It's about the perfect spot to be in Texas. It's a largish city but no so large that people there are all about themselves.

I swear, the best thing about that area of the country is the people. Maybe it's like that once you leave the coasts, but everyone there was offering to give me the shirts off their backs to help me and do stuff for me. They are honest, hard working folks, and they renewed my faith in humanity. I'm not saying that's the only place it's true, I'm just saying it's like that there. I was also down in the Brownsville area and it's not like that at all down in that area of Texas. It was more like it was here in California.


New member
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B6100D; B219; Piranha bar; Hodge stabilizers; Filled Ag rears; R322T w/48" deck
Dec 21, 2014
Sugar Hill -- next door to Buford, GA
Finally got around to putting some big slip forks on my loader bucket. While I was at it, I put the hitch ball I thought would fit my R322T in the bucket so I can maneuver my trailer without hurting my neck or falling out of the seat.



Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
Had to move a dead truck into shop, no helper so i needed a way to manage it myself. image.jpg

The tractor is in creeper gear, i can walk between truck and tractor to steer both. Moves so slow, only thing that would make it not very
safe is if i fell asleep. Itsvis moving in this photo. Next time im going to take a time lapse video.


Aug 8, 2013
Blue Ridge, Tx
Needed to mow - and spent pretty much the entire time cussing. I've had the steering problem (BX1850), took it in and they replaced the pump for $1600 - and of course it didn't last more than about 2 weeks. (FWIW I explicity told them the cylinders were known issues. But, the customer doesn't know jack.) Took it back - and THIS time they 'repaired' the cylinder (probably the 50 cent o-ring cuz they weren't about to fork out the bucks to fix it right).

Anyways - I am back to wrist and elbow tendinitis from spinning the steering wheel a couple million times just to mow a 1/2 acre. And it's everything I can do to just not drive it off in the ravine at the back of the property and leave the damned thing there. If this is the best Kubota can do - there isn't going to be any more orange in my future.

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Went out to mow this morning. Topped the fuel, checked the fluid levels like always. Climbed up into the seat :) turned the key on, bumped the throttle up a little. Started to reach for the gp/starter switch end felt something wiggling against my back!!! :eek: my 6'1" 230 lbs proceeded to levitate straight into the air and off the tractor, not knowing what was behind me doing the wiggling :eek: once the ol' ticker slowed back down, I went back over and inspected the seat. Apparently I have an industrious and opportunistic mouse :rolleyes:

Here's what I ended up pulling out of the seat.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


New member
Lifetime Member

B6100D; B219; Piranha bar; Hodge stabilizers; Filled Ag rears; R322T w/48" deck
Dec 21, 2014
Sugar Hill -- next door to Buford, GA
... felt something wiggling against my back!!! :eek: ... levitate straight into the air and off the tractor, not knowing what was behind me doing the wiggling :eek: ...
Apparently I have an industrious and opportunistic mouse :rolleyes:
Whew! I was afraid you were going to say snake! A mouse is better - heart attack, it's over. Snake, though: stroke; seizures; and prolly can't die no matter how fervently you pray...


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Apr 5, 2013
Porter Maine
I finally after a dry spring here in Maine I got to bush hogged my back 5 acres for the second time. I generally put my Taurus Judge with .410 #7 shot on the tractor so as I'm cruising along bush hogging. And I see a slimy snake getting away...Bang. But this time I didn't and sure enough saw two snakes...so I went after them with the bucket tilted down...chop chop chop.....