What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

In Utopia

Active member

L175 FEL
Apr 21, 2013
Rebuilt all four cylinders last week. Finally got rid of a pesky cedar stump on a hillside. The hill was too steep for both the beast and my stump grinder. 30 feet of chain and some yanking and out it came.

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New member

L3700SU, box blade, 6 foot rhino blade, 1 bottom plow, 3 point receiver hitch.
Mar 24, 2012
Goldendale, WA USA
We've got some potential heavy snow coming in so I ran it for about an hour today and filled up the fuel tank. I dropped the bucket and attached the plow so I should be good to go....
Well, we don't have the snow you're getting on the East coast out here on the West coast. Even though I have my Rhino blade on, no snow yet. The sun is shining, clear and about 40 degrees. So, I started up the tractor, moved my gravel pile around making a depression in the center. This will make more room for the gravel load being delivered this afternoon.

I then took out 4 loads of gravel to our front gate that has a walk-in area. I spread the gravel in that area to cover the mud and then back pulled over it floating the bucket. Then I drove into it with the tractor wheels to depress it. Went back and got more gravel to fill the depression floated it again. Then I fine tuned it with a rake. Now the walk-in gate is tidier and not muddy.

Got about half an hour of seat time.

We may get a little snow next week.



New member

BX25D, TLB, 1860 bal. bucket, Curtis Hard Cab
Aug 31, 2013
Wooster, Ohio
Temp here is -2 degrees and falling fast.

So I plowed the drive and up to the barn , then went around the block and plowed our son's driveway because his 4wd pickup with a plow is broken down.

Yes, I had the heater on and a cup of coffee with me.


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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
I put out shavings with our Kubota-powered skid steer- that's as close as I can get.
We just had a local Bobcat shop replace all the bearings, races, and seals on the 4 axles, as well as new bearings in the gear reduction boxes, which took 43 days. I don't think we were on the top of their priority list, but what do you do once it's all torn down?
It sure is great to have it back, regardless. That 4 cylinder Kubota just sounds so good, and it drives so nice now. I don't know how we ever did without it.


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Kubota M7040 4x4/ BX2230 4x4/ JD MX 8/ Ford 101 Moldboard 3 bottom Plows -
Had to go out and move some snow. I used my new Grand L3540. The cab was great. We have had 3 days and has not warm up above -10' When I was plowing the wind chill was -38'. I put some extra Power Service in and did fine.

David Pidgeon
New Haven, Vermont



Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
Just finished clearing it again. Been at it since 7:30 am. Not quite as cold here but cold enough with no cab. Thanks God for snowmobile suit and helmet.


Well-known member

L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
Met some guys for breakfast then loaded the tractor at 07:30 to clear snow for a friend who owns a Farmall H that refused to start. His BIL came with a truck and trailer for the haul. After an hour of that, reloaded and went to tidy up snow left behind at the church. It's in town and the parking lots were cleared by a lawn service. There's also on-street parking on two sides and the borough pushed the spaces full of snow when they cleared the streets. It took till almost noon but it's all nice and clean now.

Last year's cab build finally paid off. (Sure didn't last winter) I don't know what the temperature was when we started this AM but last evening I snapped a pic of the readout in my truck when we returned home around 8:30. By late morning the sun was so strong I opened the bypass valve on the heater and still had to strip down to jeans and a polo shirt. Why didn't I do this cab thing 20 years ago?



Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
Well let's see. Had a full blown blizzard start yesterday evening that extended into today. Got around 30 cm's. At 9 am this morning there was a fire at a substation that pretty well shut down the island. 190.000 customers are out of power although at this point I think they got that figure down to 125.000. Now to make matters worst again the winds are howling and it's a record cold blowing.

I did get out to clear our property and we have the back up generator so we're doing great but I sure feel for those that don't have back up. :(



Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
Had to go out and move some snow. I used my new Grand L3540. The cab was great. We have had 3 days and has not warm up above -10' When I was plowing the wind chill was -38'. I put some extra Power Service in and did fine.

David Pidgeon
New Haven, Vermont
Nice machine. Congrats. You know your spoiled now :D


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Wildfire, looks like your deer are having a hard time moving since they're half covered now and the candy canes are getting shorter as well.


Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
Wildfire, looks like your deer are having a hard time moving since they're half covered now and the candy canes are getting shorter as well.
Yes my buddy. Those deer are having a rough time trying to get something to eat. It don't help when I keep blowing the snow in that direction either lol.
That being said we won the commercial award for the best Christmas lights in the town :D



Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
That's a nice reward for all the hard work. I thought the train was cool looking, I've never seen one like that before.


Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
That's a nice reward for all the hard work. I thought the train was cool looking, I've never seen one like that before.
Thanks buddy. It was nice to get it. A lot of work to do it. Kathy and I spent a week or more putting it all up. With the snow we have down now I figure it will be next August before we get to take it all down. :D



F3680, L3800 HST
Aug 14, 2011
Central GA, USA
That snow is unreal....I last saw snow maybe 8 years ago, 2 - 4" which was gone in a day.

In GA, we are fortunate in this respect until the summer months when the ridiculous heat overwhelms us.

I moved some dead oak logs today, tested the capacity of my loader very well.

Eric McCarthy

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Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
Yes my buddy. Those deer are having a rough time trying to get something to eat. It don't help when I keep blowing the snow in that direction either lol.
That being said we won the commercial award for the best Christmas lights in the town :D
How many twinkly lights are on display at your house?

Some homes in my neck of the woods go bonkers with lights and have 100,000+ lights. One home has a separate power meter installed that runs just the lights and their power bill gets up to 800 bucks a month.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
Yea, we're getting hit pretty hard this year. Looks like a little break coming at least for a few days.




L245, bx2350
Jan 1, 2013
After scraping snow off the driveway, was using my 3pt spreader for salt. Noticed lack of power going up the hill. UH-OH!! Tried to back off the driveway. Tractor dies. I know exactly what is wrong. I am not used to the B7100 having a smaller tank than the L2250 I traded for it. Yup, out of fuel, tractor is stuck across the driveway. I cant get out. Called my BIL up the street, yup he has 5 gallons. He was kind enough to bring it to me. Dumped a gallon in, bled the system, back up and running!