Eric I'm not really sure. We used to put up tens of thousands one time but when our son went to Afghanistan we lost interest in it all so this year is the first year in three we put them up again. Ya I've seen on the news how some people get right into it all.How many twinkly lights are on display at your house?
Some homes in my neck of the woods go bonkers with lights and have 100,000+ lights. One home has a separate power meter installed that runs just the lights and their power bill gets up to 800 bucks a month.
Finally got around to the headlight upgrade that several others have done on my B7100:
Wild boar taste milder than store pork to me. I really like it.That is awesome. How much diffrent does wild boar taste than store bought pork? I have had deer, elk, bear, moose and gator but I have not had wild boar![]()
If it has fluid in the tire the slime will not work. Thought I would pass that on before you wasted time and money.I got on the front of mine thats goes flat in about 4 to 5 days, it has antifreeze in it. does it need to be removed be for sliming
Mounted my 1978 9' Fischer plow today to my new to me 5740. Seems to handle it OK. Quick connect fitting should be here tomorrow and will get a chance to try out the third function on loader.
Cheers Bob