Analysis Paralysis L2501/LX2610SU…….B2601



Nov 18, 2019
As long as we are dreaming.
Kubota Corporation demonstrated a concept tractor at a new product exhibition held in Kyoto City on January 15-16, 2020. Half century after exhibiting its first-ever concept tractor at the Japan World Exposition held in Osaka in 1970 (Expo ’70), Kubota unveiled concept tractor to commemorate the 130th anniversary of its founding. Equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) and electrification technology, this “dream tractor” is a completely autonomous tractor that represents the future of farming drawn by Kubota. Kubota will continue developing products to realize smart agriculture with cutting-edge technology to address the challenges facing Japanese farmers. I would love to have autonomous lawn mowing.
View attachment 45470
I don’t think I would like that at all, I enjoy my tractor time to much,
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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
Oh Boy!... more automation/technology that the mfr’r will “License” to you ...not SELL to you. That way you must take it to a DEALER if it breaks. :unsure:


Active member
Jun 16, 2020
Well……..decision is made…..bought a B2601. I’m sure many who have read this thread will think, BIG MISTAKE but looking back I really should have titled this topic BX2380, B2301 or B2601. After a much closer look at my property via Google Earth tools I will have about 2.5 to 3 acres of pasture to bush hog and my front and back yard will be about an 1 acre total so having a lighter tractor that could serve dual roles (pasture, farm & trail maintenance as well as more manicured yard maintenance) was the tipping point. My biggest hangup all along with the B2601 was being limited to the 4’ bush hog which I did buy but I think I’ve found a work around with a 5’ finish mower for my pasture which can also cut my yard thus eliminating the need for buying a riding lawnmower. The 4’ bush hog I bought will be able to handle the rough areas on the edge of pasture and trails on the wooded part of my property and also the pasture IF NEED BE but maybe not. My pasture has never had livestock on it so it's in really good shape (not too bumpy) and I’m pretty confident a 5’ finish mower raised to the max can handle the majority of the pasture, cut it more smoothly and not leave wind rows. I’ve seen quite a few videos where people are pulling finish mowers over pastures that look just like mine or some in worse condition so I hope it will be able to handle the pasture but even if not I’ll still have a bush hog as a back up plan. Saved about $3500 over the LX and L2501 which might not seem like a lot to many but this $ will go a long way towards other costly projects on my plate. Here’s what I bought:

B2601, tires filled, rear wheel spacer kit, 3rd function kit, RCR1548 bush hog (2” cutting capacity), RTA1250 tiller, BB1260 Box Blade, PFL1242 pallet forks, QH15 quick hitch

I’ll add a grapple at some point and this will be a pretty good overall package to maintain my property. I almost went ahead and ordered the FDR1660 5’ finish mower but am going to research this for a few more weeks before ordering. This finish mower will be able to handle my large yard eliminating the need to buy a riding lawn mower and as mentioned I’m pretty confident the finish mower raised to the max will be able to handle a majority of my pasture. Just need to do some research and make sure the FDR1660 is the best finish mower option. It is also available in some different blade types so I also need to figure out which blades to buy.

Appreciate all the input!
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BX2370, B2650 grapple, tree puller, trailer mover, 3 point hoist, mower, tiller
Feb 21, 2020
Central, IL
B2601, tires filled, rear wheel spacer kit, 3rd function kit, RCR1548 bush hog (2” cutting capacity), RTA1250 tiller, BB1260 Box Blade, PFL1242 pallet forks, QH15 quick hitch
Sounds good but you'll need 3 or 4 fuel cans for your weekly fuel run. :)

Just purchased 48" tsc rotary cutter for heavily wooded area (1" capacity). If rear tire misses tree so will mower, just need a few clearings for turn arounds. 1" is not a problem with a tree puller toy.

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Jul 17, 2017
Sounds like a great solution for what you need. Are you sure you want a rear finish mower and not a flail? Take a good look on YouTube at what GP Outdoors was doing with a flail mower behind his B2601.
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Jun 16, 2020
Paull......I'll go back and check out if a B2601 can handle a 5' flail mower. I ruled out the flail mower in favor of a bush hog primarily as there are a lot of areas where I'll need to mow in reverse which flails apparently don't do so well at. I think (maybe wrong) that GPOutdoors is pulling a smaller flail mower. He does have some videos pulling the 5' FDR1660 finish mower on his B2601 and if a 5' finish mower could handle the majority of my pasture which is fairly smooth as far as pastures are concerned at the highest setting and handle the yard which it obviously can I'd have all bases covered. However if the B2601 can handle a 5' flail that might be an even better choice for pasture and yard. A Woodmax flail mower would be about the same price as the LandPride finish mower. Just have to see if the B2601 can pull a 5' flail.....not sure?


Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
I think it has enough HP to drive it, and a flail puts much less load on the 3ph - it should lift it. With both flails and bush hogs it comes down to what you're cutting. The HP isn't needed to spin it, it's needed to eat whatever you're driving over at full speed. Slow down, need less HP. Cut less dense stuff, need less HP.

It sounds to me like you're planning to keep that pasture pretty well groomed - somewhere between a paddock and a lawn. I don't personally think you'd have an issue with a 5' flail or a 5' bush hog, so long as you're realistic about what you feed it. I guess ultimately the question is what does "can't run a 5' " really mean?

Does it mean can't lift it? If so, easy to check.
Does it mean can't spin it? Sounds unlikely.
Does it mean it'll break your tractor? If it's got a slip clutch or a shear pin, then no.
Does it mean it'll choke if you're too ambitious in what you feed it, and then lug your tractor revs back? Yup, that one's true. And if you're a dealer, and you tell someone it'll be fine, then they go try to mow 3' dense grass with 2" trees in it, in high ratio, and complain it won't do it, then probably easier to just say "it can't do that, don't buy one".

I don't see any reason it wouldn't run a 5' flail if it runs a 5' finish mower. If they're cutting the same thing they'll use the same HP. I think it's just that nobody would try to cut 3' grass with a finish mower.


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Jan 1, 2017
La Farge Wi
I don't see any reason it wouldn't run a 5' flail if it runs a 5' finish mower. If they're cutting the same thing they'll use the same HP. I think it's just that nobody would try to cut 3' grass with a finish mower.

Ok you caught me, when I first had my BX2370 I had the 60 inch MMM all the way up and the king kutter 48 inch finish mower trying to mow the hillside in 3 foot grass. Yes i had to go slow but it was do-able. Had to rev it to 1500 rpm's to engage both mowers. And only a few times was the belt smoking.:ROFLMAO:


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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
Tom- congrats on your decision. Sounds like your pasture is in decent shape, so a finish mower should work just fine. Last weekend was "weed-fest" at my place.
Flailing weeds.JPG
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Jun 16, 2020
My only two concerns with a flail mower are

1) Can the B2601 handle a 5' flail mower most of which appear around 650lbs give or take as a 4' flail would defeat the purpose.

2)If the B2601 could handle a 5' flail mower are the Woodmax or Betsco units compatible with my QH15 quick hitch? All my other implements are and this is important due to BAD BACK

If a flail could check both boxes above I'm on board otherwise it appears the FDR1660 finish mower seems a better choice to handle both manicured yard duty AND being able to cut my pasture raised to its max height since the majority of my pasture is in pretty good shape. Not sure, got some time to figure it out.


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May 17, 2020
South Central Wisconsin
I just ran my dads RCR1860 on my B2601 last night. Cut our pasture which is about waist high right now. Without question you can bog the motor if you try full speed in low range.

But it handles it fine. Just gotta take your time.

For me, I see no reason for me to buy a separate smaller brush hog for the very occasional use. However, if I were buying new or using something on a regular basis I might look for the proper matches equipment.


Active member
Jun 16, 2020
Had a conversation with Gord Potter (aka GPOutdoors). Very gracious, helpful and a PLEASURE to speak with. I'm pretty sure I'll be ordering an FDR1660 finish mower. Pretty confident it can handle the dual roles I need it do after our conversation.

Thanks again for all those that have contributed on this thread. It will be a couple months before I get to put the B2601 to task but looking forward to putting it to work. LOTS to do!!
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New member
Jul 18, 2020
Loomis, Ca
The title of this thread was great and I relate. I think that the B2610 is great for the size of my property, 2.5 acres. I do have a 1/3 acre pond and I also have a lot of trench work ahead. My question is that I am also going to splurge on a backhoe and wondering how much that should effect my purchase. I know that the BH70 goes on a B2610 but I'm wondering if I should consider the BH77 which would move me up to a LX2610 or SU? I've read the specs and one of my concerns was the only 140 swing arc on the 70 vs the 180 arc on the 77. Any comments are appreciated.

Mossy dell

Active member

B2601 (2021) JD970 (1998) B2100 (1991) B6100E (1988)
Jul 20, 2020
sw VA
My experience has inclined me to buy the smallest possible tractor and weight it up as much as possible. Part of that experience goes back 18 years, when on our property in southern Indiana we had a pond dug. Had a great old excavator named Walt Taylor dig it, mostly with his (little) dozer. He noticed I had a Kubota, the 13hp late 70s model I'd inherited from my father, and to my surprise was a real fan. He told me it was his brother who advertised in the paper that he tilled gardens with a "Kubota tractor and tiller."

Well, the pond needed a clay sealer that needed to be tilled in, so we hired Walt's brother. He arrived towing his outfit, big HD pickup and trailer and a little B series that was about 24 hp. He tilled the heck out of that pond bottom and it stopped the leak.

When he came back to be paid he was towing his rig again but had a bushhog on the tractor, said he was on his way to cut for someone. It was at least a five-footer--and maybe a 6. He said the dealer told him it was too big but the tractor would handle it. He said he worked his tractor hard and used straight 50 weight oil. He also had cut the roll bar off because it hit limbs when bushhogging, which I thought was insane and still do. He had made a little shelf out of the rollbar at the height of the seat back.

I wondered why he didn't get a larger tractor. He said he didn't want to have to have brakes on his trailer and a bigger tractor would obligate him legally to do so because he'd go over whatever the cutoff was. I later got a 16 foot trailer with electric brakes and it was no big deal. I wonder if he didn't consider electric brakes BRAKES and was talking about REAL surge brakes?

Anyway, I think of those brothers sometimes. Nice guys, good equipment operators, Bota fans, original characters. They gave me a lot of faith in small tractors to do big work, with care. At least one old feller and his little bota made a big dent in Hoosier weeds and dirt for a while.

Small is beautiful. I remind myself that because I am shopping for a tractor and tend to want just a little bigger. I know a BX is what I probably should get but keep looking at 2601. It can be true what folks on these forums always say, that your work will evolve if you have the capacity for that. But I also think it is folly to size your tractor for 5% (or less) of its use.

I know a guy who got a 30 hp+ Kubota for his few acres, a machine fit for 40 acres in the old days. It is beautifully equipped and just sits in his garage. It is too big to maneuver with a mower in his spaces. He uses it in winter for snow removal, and it's wonderful for that. I'd rather have a tractor that was optimum all year and fair at snow removal.
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Sep 15, 2020
Hendersonville, TN
I purchased my B2601 to mow with 100% happy with how it mows :)
My neighbor on opposite side of river has low ground he hasn't mowed with his L2501 and finish mower this year due to wet ground/weight.
My B2601 will be mowing it for 3rd time this year this weekend :)

I get to the area on a narrow UTV trail he says his L2501 wide for as another reason lol
Hey Michigander, thanks for the post. I'm getting the B2601 for about 5 - 10 acres mowing too. Dealer is recommending 60 inch brush and the 72 finish. What are your sizes?


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May 29, 2018
Northern Michigan
Hey Michigander, thanks for the post. I'm getting the B2601 for about 5 - 10 acres mowing too. Dealer is recommending 60 inch brush and the 72 finish. What are your sizes?
I'm mowing with 60"" MMM. I have nothing bought mowing wise yet for 3 point.
I've had the loader off all summer I look just like a traditional lawn tractor.


Well-known member

L4400HST, Bush Hog 276, RDTH60, Speeco PHD, etc
Oct 9, 2019
Snowdoun, AL
Had a conversation with Gord Potter (aka GPOutdoors). Very gracious, helpful and a PLEASURE to speak with. I'm pretty sure I'll be ordering an FDR1660 finish mower. Pretty confident it can handle the dual roles I need it do after our conversation.

Thanks again for all those that have contributed on this thread. It will be a couple months before I get to put the B2601 to task but looking forward to putting it to work. LOTS to do!!
I have a similar setup as you. About an acre around the house and 6 that are pasture. I use the finish mower around the house. I have the bush hog at the lowest setting possible for the other 6 acres and it cuts LOW. The finish mower will probably handle it all but adjusting the wheels every time is too much of a pain for me. That and all of the ant piles I prefer not to use it but for the "yard".