COVID-19 Stuff

Carry on with the political ranting, mud slinging, name calling, and insults, or close the thread.

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L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
Well since some of you feel free to post what I consider to be politically motivated drivel, let me indicate that not all of us agree. In other words, I intend to sink to the low level in posts above, posting nasty memes and cartoons too. Sparky, some posts back you asked the question, so who would be motivated to publish such things, implying it must be a conspiracy of the anti Trump dems. Well the main conspiracy going on is Russia and China seeking to destroy the US, and the easiest way is to sow dissension, and let us do it ourselves. My only remorse in posting what I really think about those of you calling people names, is that it will not help with the real problem, and you all will no doubt respond by getting even nastier and stupider.

What I see (and many other people) is a group of Trump supporters who have drunk the Trump coolaide clutching at every straw they can find to support his and your behavior, especially with regard to the pandemic. Oh its just the flu, it'll disappear. Masks? Oh I don't need one. Now who are sheeple?

The so called resources you appear to be reading are crooked. You believe MSM is slanted, because so many people affiliated with them positively loathe Trump, and make no bones out of it. Ever occur to you there are good reasons for people to feel that way?
I can not respect those of you who continue to support a person and ideas that I think are destroying our country. Trump is a self serving crook. For the love of mike consider the possibility that he and his family and cronies are a mistake.

Here is an MSM OPINION piece. I am sure like Trump you will hate the Washington Post, but they label articles as Opinion, when it is one person's view point. Others labeled analysis include more facts and references. But it will give you some idea why many of us find the administration's recent behaviors beyond the pale. I actually think he is mentally ill. Just listen to him try to string bits of sentences together. They make no sense.
Wapo and the MSM state "opinion" yet present it as FACT!! Wapo is owned by Jeff Bezos who is anti Trumper, how do you think they will report? You totally give yourself up as to who you really are; a Lefty that hasn't accepted the 2016 election results. POTUS wasn't even given a fair chance from the day he was elected, I admire his tenacity.
"I can respect people who have views that differ from mine on abortion, government regs, gun control, best health care etc, and think we could sit down and create compromises."
I content that is a blatant fabrication.
When you start your diatribe with "What I see (and many other people) is a group of Trump supporters who have drunk the Trump coolaide", you totally show your true bent, LEFT.
" Trump is a self serving crook" Where's your "fact based" analysis of that statement?
Scientist? Of what? Might as well know what you really are, your bona fides that is. My guess is " environmental science" I won't speak for anyone but myself, unlike your assertion that there are others that support your theories. God help this republic if you and like minded are able to elect a proven thief (that happens to have Dementia).

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
God help this republic if you and like minded are able to elect a proven thief (that happens to have Dementia).
And a socialist/communist pedophile to boot.
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Jul 10, 2017
Well since some of you feel free to post what I consider to be politically motivated drivel, let me indicate that not all of us agree. In other words, I intend to sink to the low level in posts above, posting nasty memes and cartoons too. Sparky, some posts back you asked the question, so who would be motivated to publish such things, implying it must be a conspiracy of the anti Trump dems. Well the main conspiracy going on is Russia and China seeking to destroy the US, and the easiest way is to sow dissension, and let us do it ourselves. My only remorse in posting what I really think about those of you calling people names, is that it will not help with the real problem, and you all will no doubt respond by getting even nastier and stupider.

What I see (and many other people) is a group of Trump supporters who have drunk the Trump coolaide clutching at every straw they can find to support his and your behavior, especially with regard to the pandemic. Oh its just the flu, it'll disappear. Masks? Oh I don't need one. Now who are sheeple?

The so called resources you appear to be reading are crooked. You believe MSM is slanted, because so many people affiliated with them positively loathe Trump, and make no bones out of it. Ever occur to you there are good reasons for people to feel that way? I can respect people who have views that differ from mine on abortion, government regs, gun control, best health care etc, and think we could sit down and create compromises. I can not respect those of you who continue to support a person and ideas that I think are destroying our country. Trump is a self serving crook. For the love of mike consider the possibility that he and his family and cronies are a mistake.

Here is an MSM OPINION piece. I am sure like Trump you will hate the Washington Post, but they label articles as Opinion, when it is one person's view point. Others labeled analysis include more facts and references. But it will give you some idea why many of us find the administration's recent behaviors beyond the pale. I actually think he is mentally ill. Just listen to him try to string bits of sentences together. They make no sense.
I feel sad for you.....
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North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
I'm really considering just closing this thread because the whole thing has turned into a pickering match about politics.
I haven't read much of anything positive or useful!
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Jun 9, 2018
I'm really considering just closing this thread because the whole thing has turned into a pickering match about politics.
I haven't read much of anything positive or useful!
I second that. A while back I was found it quite interesting to see the debates and reasoning behind individuals' different approaches to Covid, but no longer.


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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
I'm really considering just closing this thread because the whole thing has turned into a pickering match about politics.
I haven't read much of anything positive or useful!
I'm with you my friend, I do believe it's time. This forum used to be a get away from stress and now threads like this have made it just the opposite, shame it had to go this way. Please be safe all of you.


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Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
I'm with you my friend, I do believe it's time. This forum used to be a get away from stress and now threads like this have made it just the opposite, shame it had to go this way. Please be safe all of you.
It is really a sad time when people make a post that one or two others disagree with and they decide to censor it and get it shut down simply because it does not follow your view.

The world does not owe anyone an insulated "safe space" where they can stand in an echo chamber and be told what they want to hear. Hearing the other side used to be a great way to learn.

If you don't "get anything out of it" like wolfman, simply don't visit it. No need to get all upset over something you are not interested in or get nothing out of.

Is the virus gone? Did I miss something?

Why would you close an active thread on a topic that clearly has a ways to go? Feelings should not be the reason.

Unfortunately politics are so deeply embedded in this topic it would be impossible to completely separate them out. No problem, it is what it is. That aside there is no reason to "bash" Trump, or Biden (or any other POL for that matter). But they SHOULD be called out in regards to decisions about this issue.

One thing I can say for sure, I hung out on the blue tractor forum before buying my Kubota for over 10 years and there must be a lot more farmers on there.
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Well-known member
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Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
I'm really considering just closing this thread because the whole thing has turned into a pickering match about politics.
I haven't read much of anything positive or useful!
Yes, that is your weapon.

What positive and useful information were you looking for in this pandemic? I thought we were discussing a nasty virus that is killing people. Not a lot of positive and useful coming from covid,

Maybe just start a "Positive Covid Thread" and censor anything that isn't positive or helpful in it?
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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Agreed. See post 1943. Three or 4 people have spoiled it for everyone by accompanying their opinions with personal attacks. If possible enforce the no politics in other threads. This is not the right forum for that.
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M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I'm really considering just closing this thread because the whole thing has turned into a pickering match about politics.
I haven't read much of anything positive or useful!

The close it or quit reading it.... Simple.
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Active member

L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
I consider CENSORSHIP a weapon of those with weak arguments. Want to stick strictly to CV19 stuff, great, BUT don't censor articles or information about research on medications such as Hydroxycholoroquine like the POLITICAL biased MSM. I question a "scientists" viewpoint because they are so often beholding to the "money" to fund their "research".


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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
It doesn't bother me to see one thread where people can come to blow off some steam. Some might step out of character to make certain comments - and others may just be showing their true colors.

If the thread comes to the point it doesn't interest me or offends me, I'll just skip it. I enjoy OTT but there are many threads on topics that I really don't have enough of an interest in to click on them a second time.

Whether this thread continues or not won't greatly affect my life. I do admit that I'm starting to get irritated by the never-ending need in this country to pacify everyone for everything both real and imagined though.
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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
We all need to shut-up. On matters of science, we are too stupid to understand any of this and should simply take the scientists professional opinion without any questions. They will chose what we do, how we live, what we drive, and what we put in our bodies. If you get blinded by politics and don't believe me, here is one scientist telling you exactly that...

Shut up and take their word...

That article is not satire. If this doesn't scare the living hell out of you, then nothing will.
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M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I agree with that. Living in a pabulum society is starting to suck, big time.
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M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
We all need to shut-up. On matters of science, we are too stupid to understand any of this and should simply take the scientists professional opinion without any questions. They will chose what we do, how we live, what we drive, and what we put in our bodies. If you get blinded by politics and don't believe me, here is one scientist telling you exactly that...

Shut up and take their word...

Don't work that way in a Democracy (Republic), Ray. That is Socialism. Not saying that we aren't headed that way however.
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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
Agreed. See post 1943. Three or 4 people have spoiled it for everyone by accompanying their opinions with personal attacks.
Youre right sheep, you should have held your tongue more:

.... I can not respect those of you who continue to support a person and ideas that I think are destroying our country. Trump is a self serving crook. For the love of mike consider the possibility that he and his family and cronies are a mistake.
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Well-known member
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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
I'm really considering just closing this thread because the whole thing has turned into a pickering match about politics.
I haven't read much of anything positive or useful!
Geez where where you when there where a few members here wishing death sickness and financial ruin on other members for our differing opinion on masks? Didnt hear a peep.

Or what about sidecar who, on several occasions, talked about shooting people who got too close? Didnt hear a peep.

But oh boy, a couple people call out sheepfarmer for her radical leftist view and hypocrisy and all the sudden......TIME TO SHUT DOWN!!!

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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Ponder this for a second...

It is reported that the The Chinese just signed a billion dollar deal with Iran and Pakistan to build P3 bio labs in their nation. This is a similar type facility to the the COVID virus is believed to have leaked out of in Wuhan.

Iran has said that after watching the world response to the COVID virus, that bio weapons are far cheaper and more effective than nuclear weapons. Imagine a world with Pakistan and Iran making bio-weapons...


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Ray, I read that article about science and how they know it all. From my life experiences I learned very early because someone has a bunch of large case letters before or after their name does not necessarily mean they know what you think they should know.

At 23 my wife and I purchased an existing business including the building. I had figured the potential change in income both positive and possible losses from my wife taking over. She had worked as an employee at a similar business located just one block away. This is in a town she was born and raised in and her family was from the for a couple of generations.

My banker had suggested I set aside a special fund for unexpected situations like needing a roof repair, be sure to pay taxes on a timely basis, fine a good person to do your accounting! Being young and respecting the man personally, I found a local CPA who did the books for the construction company I was working for. He came to hour house, sent down and went through her books for the first two months. After some time of going over the numbers he called me over to his paperwork and said, "It looks like after a couple of years getting this paid down you'll show an income."

I turned red in the face, and could feel the heat. I asked him again what he said. I had figured all possible combinations of loss of income to make sure we could make the payment, probably over 300-400 times before deciding to buy it. After I got my thought together I asked him to point directly to where he came to this conclusion. Turn out he was taking one weeks income and paying one months bills.

I can tell you of a pharmacist who when asked about if his pharmacy had chromium (back in about 1985) he told to "go chew on a bumper". He had no clue it was trace mineral used to help control blood sugars.

I could tell of a couple more, but the message is folks better keep their eyes and mind open or they will get run over by folks who may lead you astray.
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