Huh ? Please complete the explanation of what us old isolated geezers are stealing as I don't get it.
I've thought about this.
What are we stealing?
Well, TIME really. If "we" old geezers accept, support and demand continuation of shutdown decrees in the light of the realized data associated with the virus, we are "stealing" the life and lively hoods from the younger ones who thus far, are not seriously effected by the illness. If the closures are not part of your sentiments, GOOD on ya' mate!
Dollars and SENSE says, why curtail the activities of over 1/2 our nation's population (those under 50, the earning half, at that), when it is the "other < half" that should be protected / isolated?
The kickback on the error is the significant increase to our nations debt. How many trillions? and to who? Stimulus to the general population is a fraction of the total increased debt. Debt that our children's, children will be saddled with, interest and principle, if history is consulted. Stealing, in my opinion, for they have no voice.
I accept that we, as individuals now, can do little to stop this absurdity. We have a representative constitutional republic government. We made our bed when we voted. now we lay in it. The closures were correct when little was known of the epidemic. Now, we can, and should open our eyes to the data, and adjust our expectations , and our personal behaviors.
Continued imposition via restrictions of activities on others is not the way forward.
What did we do only two years ago? Nothing!
and this season was projected to be even worse....until the Wuhan flu hit. It's almost like the weather news. So much hype and fear.
Respond to the DATA!
I'm liking what Sweden is doing. It is working for far.