BX2680 with FEL and 60" MMM, rear PTO snowblower, 4' box blade, pallet forks
Hi there: I have a BX2200 with 1485 hours on it, using the 54" MMM. I'm mowing the lawn right now and noticing that on uphills (even slight ones) or left hand side grades (if sitting in the driver's seat, my right hand is lower than my left if I place them on my knees) the tractor is occasionally losing power and I can hear the RPM's drop, while also noticing speed slowing and more pedal not helping. It doesn't choke out completely, but almost comes close it seems. I also notice the fuel gauge, which reads half a tank on flat ground right now, drops to almost empty.
Is this a normal operation thing? Or is it trying to tell me to check something? Thanks!
Is this a normal operation thing? Or is it trying to tell me to check something? Thanks!