well hello to every one !! Well i got a New Gr2110 to mow the grass with an i turn her up with no problems Smokes like my old 12v know. An for those that dont no how to do this. Just about every kubota pump is the same But the L3800. But any way if your looking at the pump. there is a round say about a 2 inch long pice of metal that is covering a jam nut. just take a screw driver a prie her off. then there is a jam nut an a stud. now the stud has a rounded nut on the end of it take that off all that dose is hold that tamper pruff pice of s>>>> on . then you can back off the jam nut an turn out the rack stop screw... Now i got a new L3800 i did this to an i got no change what so every i don't why ???? dose any one no any thing about this 1.862 motor that is what she has on the side of the block an also the is another ajustment on the rear of the pump turds the bell housing at the top of the pump an that has a nut with a jam nut also i think that is for the gov?? played with it alittel when u back the set screw out the idle sounds like a put a cam in her. i put it back to stock. it had a temper pruff cap on it as well.. Any help would Be great thanks