Trying to plan out implement purchases for a new to me L3200... I have about 40 acres of old bermuda grass pasture that I'm converting back to native grasses and forbs to improve hunting on my property.
Plan on burning the pastures next winter to remove the matted bermuda. I then need some implement to provide enough soil disturbance to create a decent seed bed to reintroduce the natives.
My first inclination is a smaller disk harrow because of the area that i'm covering, but some have the opinion that the L3200 doesn't have the pulling power to be effective once you start adding some weight.
Just wondering if anyone has taken on a similar project and there is some good advice for implement selection...
Plan on burning the pastures next winter to remove the matted bermuda. I then need some implement to provide enough soil disturbance to create a decent seed bed to reintroduce the natives.
My first inclination is a smaller disk harrow because of the area that i'm covering, but some have the opinion that the L3200 doesn't have the pulling power to be effective once you start adding some weight.
Just wondering if anyone has taken on a similar project and there is some good advice for implement selection...