Great feedback all! I can't edit my original post, but I wanted to add
I do have turf tires on my B2650. I am in sandy soil, and most of the dirt/woods work is sand and pines. And for snow, they say the turf tires perform better. And there was the goal of using the B2650 to mow with, hence the turf tires for the lawn (which is still applicable for doing mulch, etc).
I see there are varying opinions, which makes sense. Everyone has a preference. So I guess this boils down to cost and time.
Time is one reason I've avoided the simpler riding mower, because I don't want to be there cutting for 1-2 hours a week. So it seems like it's between the MMM and a ZT. Both the MMM and ZT would fly through the property and I'd be done cutting quickly. Maybe 45 min to an hour total with trimming. And as groomerbuck experiences, many have said the B2650 MMMs finish cut very nicely, which is what had me leaning that way for quite some time. I was leaning towards the 72" over the 60" mainly to extend past the wheels and reach out more.
B2650 MMM Pros:
- Same machine for everything
- Costs less than a ZT
B2650 MMM Cons:
- Heavier machine, potential lawn damage, unknown until I actually try it (which requires purchasing the MMM)
- Resale of MMM is likely low or trader dealer in for a significant loss if I find I can't use it
- Small hassle of having to remove the MMM to do non-lawn work, and the FEL+BB/rear implement to do lawn work. This would likely lead to just leaving the MMM on for cutting season and avoiding doing other work unless necessary. FEL and rear implements are quick attach/hitch, so it's pretty quick. And removing the mower should only take a few minutes.
ZT Pros:
- Lighter machine, know it won't damage the lawn
- Faster cutting than the MMM (or at least certainly not slower)
ZT Cons:
- A separate machine to maintain
- Costs more than the MMM
With all that highlighted, what ZT mowers do you guys like for 3/4 acre to cut as fast or faster than the B2650 with 72" MMM? Figure I can start researching them and pricing and see how much more of an investment it is.