I have a l2850gst that was given to me. Everything works except the transmission. The previous owner took it to a dealership that diagnosed the problem as part number 32420-68300 gate valve assembly. Is this a rebuildable part and if so which downloadable work shop manual and parts manual should I look for also what is the function of this valve
Hi - does the machine move under its own power at all? Any noises when moving the shift lever? Does the lever move normally, clicking at each gear?
Assuming the tractor doesn't move, but the loader and lower arms lift ok, does the power steering work ? If not the PS pump could be the issue. - it feeds the GST too. If PS is ok then there are 7 pressures to look at before the gate valve is implicated, and even then the modulating valve could still be the problem. I'm not ready to buy the "bad gate valve" idea without a chart of pressures.
The WSM (not aware of a download) has a chapter on the L2850 GST - shows the several valves and has pics of them disassembled. But no dimensions, tolerances, info for repairing.
I'll bet its something more external like the shifter for the rotary valve. Hopefully Wolfman will chime in.