Gun laws 101?

Kubota Newbie

Active member

M4500, New Idea Cut-Ditioner, JD 14T Baler, IH "Plow Chief" plows, Oliver Rake
Dec 28, 2010
Mount Vernon, Ohio
Lest I get scolded for this being political NO OPINIONS PLEASE, just the facts.
The AR thread and all the press got me wondering. What 's legal/allowed in your state province/country??? I know we've got several countries represented on the forum. Just curious what the case really is where you live?
We had a young man from Macedonia stay with us a couple weeks a year ago. We were out back shooting targets with handguns (one of the kids was taking the 4-H handgun safety project and had to shoot some). Anyway, he was fascinated with the whole activity. Civilians there apparently are not allowed to own firearms.

Here in Ohio/rural area? Pretty much can own anything that is Federally legal. Concealed carry with permit. Open carry without (but nobody does, or very very few anyway).


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B2601HSD & CK4010HST 4WD/FEL
Oct 19, 2016
im only a couple hours south of you in Ohio..

the main law changes happened a few years back when we got rid of the ridiculous 30 rnd law... an Ohio exclusive..

everything else going on right now is just talk.

my second income is completely based on building guns. its what i do.

& im all for better gun laws. the key is BETTER. not more...

we need real things that work & are actually doable vs the ridiculous laws we have now that are useless.

so many stupid things out there from people that know nothing about firearms of any type....

make a useful set of regs & stick with them.

any good regs/laws will have no real affect on good law abiding citizens.

most of us in the gun business feel pretty much the same way & we are all willing to give in certain area's to get things that work.

doesnt change a thing about what a criminal is gonna do.

laws only work for those who will go by them.

just like a door lock just keeps an honest person from being stupid.
(a real criminal is busting out window & coming on in, no matter what locks you have.)

gun laws have ZERO impact on someone who is gonna break the law or commit a mass shooting/attack. (illegal guns are way easier to get than legal ones.)

now the part about mentally unstable people still legally buying guns & going nuts with them?
thats a perfect example of the system in place NOT working.


Active member

May 23, 2017
Buffalo, Wyoming
In Wyoming you don't have to have a permit to carry a concealed weapon but I keep mine current because I have had it for years and it gives certain privileges still. Guns are part of this state's culture, rural and there are still instances where it is advisable to be armed, thankfully not often because of other humans like in the metropolitan areas.


JMHO but I think alcohol is more dangerous than guns. You make one mistake with a gun and the consequences are immediate but alcohol is accepted as the norm and many more lives are effected and mistakes are forgiven over and over. And no I am not a teetotaler, I drink responsibly and I use my guns responsibly.


New member

75 L175, 14 toro timesaver, Landpride boxblade, countyline auger
Nov 9, 2017
Beaver, PA
Well, while PA is an open carry state the Guvner had declared a state of emergency do to the opioid crisis and that makes it illegal to carry any weapon in public.

Otherwise, 18 for a rifle, 21 for a handgun. No magazine limits. No ID or anything to buy ammo.

CC permit is $15 for 4 years and we're a must-issue state, so other than the background check all they as is 'cash or check'. No training required, of any kind.

An oddity of PA law is you may only transport your firearm to/from home to an FFL, gun range or hunting (with hunting license) - ANY stops - to eat, get gas, take a leak- is a FELONY...and you lose all your guns.

Hence there are a LOT of CC permits in PA!


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BX25, BX2750D, BX2760A, 5' back blade
Jan 9, 2017
Sudbury, ON, Canada
In Canada, it is fairly simple. Hunting rifles are fine, no major restrictions other that the magazine limits (usually 5 shells or less). Idea is, if a hunter can't hit that deer after 5 shots, not much of a hunter... Shotguns similar, hunting guns. Rules are they are to have trigger locks and ammo stored in a separate locked container. That's it for those. (see gun permit note at bottom)
Handguns are "restricted weapons". Means you need a special permit to own one, and can only take it (with permit) between your house and a shooting range. No one is allowed to carry a handgun except law enforcement (plus a few exceptions for remote hunting enforcement officers as I understand it)
Automatic weapons are prohibited, no matter what they are. Large ammo magazines are prohibited (like 30 shot clips). Only in a few cases can a gun collector obtain any such weapon, and usually it has to be permanently "disabled".
So overall, hunting is not an issue. I can take my rifle, shotgun, and go hunting whenever season is open. I can take my hunting guns any time to a shooting range and fire away (transport of them must have trigger locks, etc...)

Yes, we get the odd "shooter" up here as well, but they are few and far in between. Every country has they "problem people". It just boils down to how many have access to assault weapons. Crooks will always get them no matter what country, but again, the number is always less when there are some forms of "simple" controls.

These are just my interpretation of the rules. I have to possess a "PAL" (Possession and Acquisition) permit to legally own guns, that has to be renewed by the RCMP every 5 years. Thus RCMP does the background checks every 5 years. One time, they even called my wife to ask if it was ok for me to own guns (she said ok).... The application for the PAL clearly asks about background of the applicant, like criminal history, domestic abuse, pending divorce, etc.
One cannot legally buy a gun without the PAL permit.
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New member

75 L175, 14 toro timesaver, Landpride boxblade, countyline auger
Nov 9, 2017
Beaver, PA
So you have no competitive shooting sports in canada?

Long range rifle?
Trap or Skeet?
Rimfire Sporter or such?
Turkey Shoots/meat shoots?

In Canada, it is fairly simple. Hunting rifles are fine, no major restrictions other that the magazine limits (usually 5 shells or less). Idea is, if a hunter can't hit that deer after 5 shots, not much of a hunter... Shotguns similar, hunting guns. Rules are they are to have trigger locks and ammo stored in a separate locked container. That's it for those. (see gun permit note at bottom)
Handguns are "restricted weapons". Means you need a special permit to own one, and can only take it (with permit) between your house and a shooting range. No one is allowed to carry a handgun except law enforcement (plus a few exceptions for remote hunting enforcement officers as I understand it)
Automatic weapons are prohibited, no matter what they are. Large ammo magazines are prohibited (like 30 shot clips). Only in a few cases can a gun collector obtain any such weapon, and usually it has to be permanently "disabled".
So overall, hunting is not an issue. I can take my rifle, shotgun, and go hunting whenever season is open. I can take my hunting guns any time to a shooting range and fire away (transport of them must have trigger locks, etc...)

Yes, we get the odd "shooter" up here as well, but they are few and far in between. Every country has they "problem people". It just boils down to how many have access to assault weapons. Crooks will always get them no matter what country, but again, the number is always less when there are some forms of "simple" controls.

These are just my interpretation of the rules. I have to possess a "PAL" (Possession and Acquisition) permit to legally own guns, that has to be renewed by the RCMP every 5 years. Thus RCMP does the background checks every 5 years. One time, they even called my wife to ask if it was ok for me to own guns (she said ok).... The application for the PAL clearly asks about background of the applicant, like criminal history, domestic abuse, pending divorce, etc.
One cannot legally buy a gun without the PAL permit.


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BX25, BX2750D, BX2760A, 5' back blade
Jan 9, 2017
Sudbury, ON, Canada
Sure, we have all those, or at least most of those. I know people that do turkey shoots, rim fire shoots, etc. I've done trap shooting. Just have to follow the rules when transporting your weapon and ammo, and have your possession permit with you. Very few of those events would be with hand guns however, just shotguns/rifles.

One last note about guns in Canada, they are controlled by federal law, and provinces cannot exempt themselves from the rules, or make up different regulations.
Also, the phrase I used before, "legally buy a gun" without a PAL also means you cannot keep what guns you have if the RCMP denies your PAL renewal. You must either sell them or turn them into the police for destruction.
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Kubota Newbie

Active member

M4500, New Idea Cut-Ditioner, JD 14T Baler, IH "Plow Chief" plows, Oliver Rake
Dec 28, 2010
Mount Vernon, Ohio
We do have the mag limits for Ohio for the hunting arms. But I believe those are Division of Wildlife regulations and not "gun laws" per say.


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B3200 w/loader, Woods RC5 brush hog, 4' box blade, tooth bar, B1700 MMM,
Apr 13, 2017
West Mansfield, OH
That is correct. ODNR limits you to 3 rounds in your shotgun and those with a capacity greater than 3 require a device to physically limit the number of shells. I have a nice wooden rod inherited from my father that fits in my shotgun. You also have limitations on caliber and when they can be used. For example, feral hogs and coyotes are legal to take at any time with any valid OH hunting license, however during deer season I cannot use a .223 since they don't want you hunting deer with that caliber. As a land/farm owner in OH, I am exempt from having the license to hunt on my property but I still cannot pop a yote in deer season with my .223.

On a side note I'd love to get one of those feral hogs and see how it tastes after 16 hrs on my smoker. None in my area so I'll just have to find someone with that problem and help them out.

A few years back OH started allowing the sale and ownership of silencers. Franklin County does not allow residents to purchase them, but since I live in Union now, I could. Nice for a bit more hearing protection but pricey.

I often have associates who come in to OH from Europe for business as well and when asked what they want to do, it is always go to a range and shoot. If anyone shoots on my land, we have a sit down meeting to go over gun and range safety before anyone goes out back. If someone messes up then all the toys get put away.


New member

Dec 8, 2015
Illinois usa
Here in central illinois you have to have a foid card to buy or own a handgun or rifle also to buy or posses ammo too it cost like $10 every 7 or 10 years to renew it. It's all completely useless you can see how well Chicago is getting along with their dumb ass laws they r actually stricter up there btw. Down state We can have almost any weapon we want except full auto,and aow no suppressors I believe there is a way to own sbrs in a round about way. Let's see what else there no mag capacity limit. We have concealed carry now it's an expensive nightmare but obtainable. also they snuck in a paw last year as long as you have a foid card you can own switchblades now before they were illegal. We can't use long guns to hunt deer only bow shotgun and I believe magnum handguns but don't hold me to that last one, but coyotes you can use any gun you want including ar15s that makes a lot of sense don't it. This is all downstate btw there all kinds of other restrictive bullshit by Chicago so idk about up there and you can see what a great job those gun law r doing too. Can you detect my sarcasm lol

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Not to many restrictions in Arkansas. You can buy an AR in Wal-Mart, as well as ammo and a 30 shot clip :D

Conceal carry is legal with a permit. Not much to getting a permit either. It's fairly simple. You do have to pass the big 3 background check. And take a 6 hour class.

You can also get laser sights, and light mounts for you pistol if so inclined. Also no restriction on magazine size. If it fits, you can use it on your rifle or pistol. :D

You can open carry with out a permit.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
This is me, my daughter, and my son-in-law standing on the front lawn of the Arizona state capital here in Phoenix in 2013 at a 2nd Amendment Rally. They have had one every year since then. No law enforcement anywhere to be seen. 2500+ people this day with men and women open carrying all kinds of firearms, many of them like ours. Lots of speeches, BBQ and camaraderie, and when all those people left, NOT ONE PIECE OF TRASH LEFT ANYWHERE.

AZ is a SHALL ISSUE state meaning anyone can get a concealed carry permit if they pass the background check but anyone is allowed to carry concealed without permit as well because that is your God-given right and no state can infringe upon that right, just like the Constitution decrees.

The one this year was equally big, maybe bigger. I want to go again next year.



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New member

75 L175, 14 toro timesaver, Landpride boxblade, countyline auger
Nov 9, 2017
Beaver, PA
Ohio if I recall until just a few years ago required shotgun only (well, no rifle) for deer.

PA allows any caliber for deer (or any game for that matter). 7mm mag for squirrels? go for it! LOL

PA was the last state to allow semi-auto's for hunting, and it's only small game and I think pests (ground hogs and coyote).

Never heard of hogs in PA. Groundhog hunting is popular, usually with a 270 or so at 300-500 yards in farm fields. I tend to use a 22LR in my backyard to get them.

Coyotes..just about anything goes as they're everywhere here..and I do mean EVERYWHERE - many places pay $25 per animal - just bring it to the municipal building.

They're also about the only critter you're allowed to bait and hunt 24/7 -and PA is a no-sunday hunting state. I believe the only off season is rifle deer, 2 weeks following thanksgiving. And if you have a fur-takers license you can keep on huntin em.

As for farmers/your own land...Farmers may protect from wildlife damage farm crops, fruit trees, vegetables, livestock, poultry, or beehives on any farmlands under their control. They may kill game for harming crops or livestock but must report the kill to a Wildlife Conservation Officer

Late last summer red tail hawks were taking our chickens...we didn't shoot them but my better half wanted to. Hawks are like fleas here - tons of them.


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
In New York, several things have changed in recent years with passage of the SAFE ACT.

We've had pistol permits for decades, concealed carry are permitted by (1) grandfathered (old permit like me) or (2) with approved classes.

NY is shotgun and maybe rifle for large game by NYSDEC regs, depending on county. Handguns have been allowed for large game at least 30 years.

Waterfowl limits shotgun to 3...

SAFE Act - it was done quickly, so there's been a lot of confusion about it's details/definitions, etc:
1. Defined/Regulated assault-type weapons, with registration requirements.

2. limited box and removable magazine capacity to 7 (I think), or 10 with no more than 7 in it...something like that..

3. Requires re-certification of pistol permits every 5 years, with data for handguns owned, make/model/SN's, etc. The first deadline for that was 1/31/18, and many have not done it.

4. Requires NICS check for ALL gun purchases (used to be just handguns), unless among family.

In my rural part of NY, I had a gun in the truck a good part of my high school career - didn't hide it, 'cuz it was in the gun rack in the back window!! (Except woodchuck season April-June, because the .22-250 Remington M700 Varmint Special didn't fit the rack because of the Bipod:cool:)
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David Page

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1974 L260, 6" bush hog, subsoiler, spring tooth harrow, boom pole, 2 bottom plow
Jun 25, 2013
Dexter, ME
In Maine you don't need a permit to CC but we did have one and if you still have it you don't have to declare it to a game warden if stopped while hunting. But I wouldn't want to surprise an Officer. Most areas of the state rifles are allowed for hunting, similar hunting laws to other states. Firearm ownership is by Federal regulations. I'm NRA and believe as our Founding Fathers did on God given rights.


New member

Aug 5, 2016
Fresno CA
In Wyoming you don't have to have a permit to carry a concealed weapon but I keep mine current because I have had it for years and it gives certain privileges still. Guns are part of this state's culture, rural and there are still instances where it is advisable to be armed, thankfully not often because of other humans like in the metropolitan areas.


JMHO but I think alcohol is more dangerous than guns. You make one mistake with a gun and the consequences are immediate but alcohol is accepted as the norm and many more lives are effected and mistakes are forgiven over and over. And no I am not a teetotaler, I drink responsibly and I use my guns responsibly.
What kind of privileges?


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
olsarge and others,

A couple examples in AZ-

The CCW allows drop off and pick-up of kids on school grounds while armed but, the firearm must remain concealed to avoid panic or a lock-down situation. It also allows carry into school zones if the firearm is left inside the vehicle in a locked case, in the trunk if the vehicle has one, before entering the school building. The law specifically points out the issue of being seen locking your firearm up by a non-gunnie and what might transpire after that. It urges "discretion" on how that is done. Never heard of an issue.

A CCW permit also puts you in the DMV database so that if you are stopped by a officer, he immediately knows you have passed an FBI background check for wants and warrants and local offenses. Today, that does wonders lowering stress levels for officers who are getting shot almost daily on simple traffic stops. Knowing that CCW carriers can also legally offer back-up fire for an officer under fire, the officers on the street consider us "allies" in the crime battle. A recent case saw an officer being shot by a criminal on I-10 at night. The armed citizen shot the assailant dead and was heralded by local police and news folks. The officer survived.

Whether you have a CCW or not, in AZ, you are not required to notify the officer you are armed unless he specifically asks.

Arizona Revised Statutes limits the use of deadly force. Protection of property is not allowed in AZ. But a couple of the authorizations are quite thoughtful:

13-411. Justification; use of force in crime prevention; applicability

A. A person is justified in threatening or using both physical force and deadly physical force against another if and to the extent the person reasonably believes that physical force or deadly physical force is immediately necessary to prevent the other's commission of arson of an occupied structure under section 13-1704, burglary in the second or first degree under section 13-1507 or 13-1508, kidnapping under section 13-1304, manslaughter under section 13-1103, second or first degree murder under section 13-1104 or 13-1105, sexual conduct with a minor under section 13-1405, sexual assault under section 13-1406, child molestation under section 13-1410, armed robbery under section 13-1904 or aggravated assault under section 13-1204, subsection A, paragraphs 1 and 2.

B. There is no duty to retreat before threatening or using physical force or deadly physical force justified by subsection A of this section.

C. A person is presumed to be acting reasonably for the purposes of this section if the person is acting to prevent what the person reasonably believes is the imminent or actual commission of any of the offenses listed in subsection A of this section.

D. This section includes the use or threatened use of physical force or deadly physical force in a person's home, residence, place of business, land the person owns or leases, conveyance of any kind, or any other place in this state where a person has a right to be.

Under the robbery clause, if the felon is running away with your prized toaster, he is deemed NOT a threat and any rounds fired his way are illegal. Only those fired as he is in active commission are deemed justified, i.e. entering your home or inside it.

AZ now allows telling someone threatening you that you are armed. You are likewise allowed to "present" the weapon under the above threats as a show of force. (Most states call this "brandishing" a firearm and its a misdemeanor in most states.)

Also, AZ passed a nifty law that says, if someone is committing one of the above felonies and you injure or kill them, they, or their survivors, are prohibited from suing you in civil court. Essentially, you do the crime and you waive all rights to sue anyone who shoots you. This cuts down greatly on nuisance civil suits by people or survivors who want to make the honest citizen pay for defending themselves or others by simply by exercising their rights under the law.
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Active member
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B2601HSD & CK4010HST 4WD/FEL
Oct 19, 2016
AZ has some of the best firearms laws & regs...

TX is pretty good too.

here in Ohio the laws on firearms for anything other than hunting are pretty good...
but you CAN get sued if you shoot someone & they are "injured" vs dead.

even in self defense.

Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
One of the privileges of having the cc permit here in Arkansas. The CC permit is proof that you passed the background check allowing speedi cash out service on purchasing other fire arms :D

So instead of filling out the paperwork, and waiting for the back ground check to go through when purchasing a fire arm. You hand the person your CC permit. They document Your CC permit number on the purchasing paperwork, and you proceed to check out.