This may seem like a weird question and maybe one that can only be answered by speaking with specific dealers. With that said, when it comes to servicing; do most of you trailer your tractors to the dealer or does the dealer pick them up?
I ask, because as I stated in my intro post, I'm researching what tractor to buy and I am also researching what truck to buy when I retire and want to know if I need to limit my truck search to only pickups that are capable of towing the tractor I purchase..........
A simple answer would be, new machine under warranty, MAKE them come and get is their "baby" to fix!
IF you can turn a wrench - the servicing can be done at home. Changing oil, filters and general "stuff" is rather easy. However there are times when you need to haul it too!
AS for trailer.....many will tell you to go big or not get a trailer!
I would focus on the tractor first, a BX series can be hauled on a large single axle if the axle specs for the trailer will handle it. Now once you add the FEL and or back hoe and gets beyond the single axle trailer size.
If you are going B's or L's then I would get a double axle trailer, brakes on ONE axle or BOTH is better.
WHEN you get a truck, make sure the towing package is on it, along with the brake controller (unless you can do that yourself) - typically a 2" ball or better a 2 5/16" ball in a under bumper hitch.
What are you "needs" for the tractor? What will you be doing with it? Many will tell you all the good points and "bad" points for each model. You need a engine size the gets into the DPF and all that fun stuff? Or can you do with something under 25 hp (or where ever the cutoff is)
Tell us what you are planning and we can help with the choices!