My perspective is that in virtually all of the U.S. fuel gelling isn't that much of an issue. Water is the problem. Take care of the water contamination present in most diesel fuels and low-temp operation improves.
I use GoldenRod water-block canister filters for polishing AFTER flowing through settling-bowl type filters on my tanks and use an admixture (Stanadyne, Sea Foam, StaBil) year-round and have never had a single fuel-related problem in over 30-yrs. And we'll get down to 0-F for a couple weeks or so every year.
A fun fact regarding wax formation in diesel and other 'light' hydrocarbon liquids...
If the fuel suffers wax crystal formation once and is reheated to the point of being useable, the best thing is to drain as much as possible, install new fuel, dose it heavily with anti-gelling material, and then very gradually add the old fuel back into the system over time.
What happens is that (let's assume the original waxy fuel is left in the tank) each time the fuel is reheated to get rid of (liquify) the wax, the wax is very subtly "refined" to the point that it will have a higher melting point. After a couple or three episodes the wax that forms the next time will be so relatively 'pure' that trying to reliquify it will be difficult if not practically impossible. That's when you find the entire fuel system locked up solid.
In temperature-controlled lab setting I've seen the first generation of fuel wax crystals be a somewhat dirty yellow-brown and soft-to-mushy. By the time the third generation is produced by controlled cooling and reheating, the wax shows evidence of crystalline structure, becomes harder white, more pure. Each successive generation of waxy material shows a higher melting point, making it increasingly more difficult to reliquify the wax.
For those familar with the oilfield practice of hot-oiling a well, you may find that after a few pumping episodes the paraffine wax produced turns from black gummy asphaltic to a pretty almost clear white. Same process as with diesel, just on a somewhat different scale.
Posters with alternative opinions ideas thoughts experiences practical remedies all welcomed. Please post.