1. tractor didnt come with beet Juice or weight (bad idea.) What should I get beet juice or wheel weights?
2. Tractor keeps dying on steep inclines, anyway to adjust the safety switch?
3. I have asked this a 10000 times so far, BUT... How do I change the Hoe from ISO to SAE controls? what lines where need to be changed?
-Please pause for a moment of silence dedicated to my wife's precious Japanese Maple. I WAS going to surprise her and transplant for her today. Oh, She we was surprised alright (and pissed off) - Poor Little fella, got snapped in half.
2. Tractor keeps dying on steep inclines, anyway to adjust the safety switch?
3. I have asked this a 10000 times so far, BUT... How do I change the Hoe from ISO to SAE controls? what lines where need to be changed?
-Please pause for a moment of silence dedicated to my wife's precious Japanese Maple. I WAS going to surprise her and transplant for her today. Oh, She we was surprised alright (and pissed off) - Poor Little fella, got snapped in half.