I would say there "estimate" of engine life span is severely under rated, I guess that saves them some abuse down the line.Well, no not to my knowladge, but I dont exactly know what the symptoms are when it becomes a problem, the thing that scares me is the engine specifications at the Kubota Engines Website has my engine lifespan of only 3,000 hours, and I'm nearly almost at 1,200 already so thats why I'm wondering?
North Idaho Wolfman;130032 Also of the 1200 hour that you've clocked said:Hey! I'll have you know, there is a *lotz* uv work gonin on! Ah gotz tuh git down n tip de rokz inta d buket det ah kaint git de loader under, den git bak on n tip d buket, din try tuh skoop up s'more rokz, din git down n dew it all over agin. <whewh> Ah think ahm dewin more work now den b4 ah got dee Kuboter!