There was a time that manufacturers would look at modifications that are made by owners to improve the usefulness of the machine and incorporate those improvements in their newer models, but those days are long gone.
I remember when I had my BX22 and had installed a Curtis soft cab that they said wouldn't fit the machine, but I knew better because someone on TBN had already installed the same cab on their BX22. They developed a way to raise the rear section of the roof. I sent those pictures to Curtis Cab in Worcester MA and they said the modification wasn't safe to use. When I purchased the Kubota cab for my BX23S I noticed that they copied the design that I sent them almost 20 years earlier and incorporated it in the new BX23S cab.
If you build a better mouse trap, someone will copy it and claim that they invented it. I saw this happen on Shark Tank where a woman claimed to develop a training method to teach cats to use a toilet. Her "idea" was nothing more than an exact copy of a product that was sold by pet shops in the early 1980s. She got a deal from one of the sharks and got wealthy on someone else's idea.