It won't be long.
Just a word of caution. Should you decide to do that, you may want to check what type of insurance you have for that sort of thing. KTAC, "inland Marine" or commercial policies cover you....typical homeowners policies do not cover your equipment off of your property.
Just sayin'
I've done quite a few little projects for my immediate neighbors that involve tractors, and each year I cut my friend's fields along the river and he's 20 miles from me. I also do cutting/mulching/discing jobs in the summer for fun and play money, but mostly to be on a tractor. Both of my tractors are insured through State Farm to satisfy Kubota Credit and I don't put much if any thought into the possible ramifications of being off property. Many here will trailer their tractor to take it to the nearest Kubota dealer so does KTAC cover that?
I enjoy running a tractor so it's not a chore to help out friends and neighbors. The only time I've ever charged my immediate neighbors is when I spent around an hour moving snow for them one year. That was more out of frustration since they've been here for six years or so (came from CA) and still haven't assembled any snow removal equipment. Typically the jobs are fast such as spreading out piles of gravel, or pulling out concrete footings, or pulling out the daughter's car from a ditch after she's managed to leave the driveway. Even though they offer to pay for time and fuel, I'd rather have a good relationship with them than get bogged down in money related issues.
One of my neighbors has a building company and a long, steep gravel driveway so I used the MX to take the EA land leveler over to him last year, and picked it up a few days later when he was done. He ran it behind his skid steer and was really pleased with the finish he was able to achieve on his driveway. He dropped off a bottle of gin to say thanks, and I gave the gin to another friend since I've given up alcohol (for the most part).