Great advice there. Those can cover your equipment off property.
My little BX is only covered by my homeowner's policy, and it's almost 12 years old.
I've done a bunch of work on all my neighbors' places (5). Been limited to mowing and snowblowing. Pretty low-risk stuff, and I understand the risk of going off my property. Each place requires less than 200 yards on the road.
During BIG snow storms, I've had requests to blow snow on driveways half-mile or more away. I decline.
HOWEVER: Consider the scenario where you're doing loader work to "help" a neighbor at their request.
You hit their house, vehicle, electrical pedestal, well casing, curb box, sewer clean-out, etc., etc., and cause damage. Often your "neighborly" neighbors can get adversarial and ask "how are you going to pay for that?

As a contractor,
@dirtydeed is well-versed at this kind of thing. He's done some great work in VERY tight quarters, but accidents happen. Contractor's have Commercial General Liability policies for that.
One thing some/many policies won't cover for the "Average Joe with a Tractor" is YOUR liability for damage you may cause to someone else's property. Homeowner's policies may, but I don't think it's a given.
If you anticipate doing work on neighbor's property, it's not a bad conversation to have with your carrier or agent.
My limited mowing or snowblowing has never caused me much concern. I've never had that conversation. If I were to get into anything more serious I would.
Just a suggestion. We live in a litigious society. Sometimes a Good Deed can't go unpunished.....which is sad.
Not suggesting you don't help your neighbors. Our little 'hood is 6 houses. Over 30+ years, I'm the only resident that has helped all the others.
In fact, I was trespassing on one property for 6 years to mow the lawn. Stately 4,000 square foot colonial house w/barns and 1-acre lawn was a former Egg Farm. In foreclosure for years.
House adjacent next door was owned by good folks. If I hadn't mowed it, their lawn would have been adjoined by a hay field.....I couldn't let that happen.
After the first time I knocked it down (3 feet tall), I knew I was in it for the Long Haul....6 years....
Didn't do it for the Bank that had in foreclosure and paid no attention to it....
Did it for the older folks/neighbors next door, who also have a beautiful house they take pride in.
It's what neighbors do where I come from...