Traildust I appreciaate your kind words you left on my site. It makes me feel good knowing I can somehow help you or anyone just a little makes the whole day good. handy
I just wanted to thank you for all the help you have given me.
As I have mentioned before, you are the kindest, nicest person I have met. You offer help and assistance with nothing expected in return but a thank you.
The hours I work I am unable to attend any sort of college coarse for welding. Books and video on line are nothing compared to the experience you have and that you are so kind enough to share.
This sauce really shines on pork since the meat is of a sweet kind. Probably not so good with beef, need more robust sauce for that. Think of sauce like wine: White(sweet) for fish - Red(robust) for beef.
I'm making this tonight for my St Louis style ribs I'm smoking Saturday.
1) Combine all DRY ingredients, set aside
2) Combine all WET ingredients in large sauce pan
3) Stirring frequently bring Wet ingredients to boil
4) With WET at boil begin stirring in DRY ingredients
5) Simmer 30 - 45 minutes
This makes 2 quarts and will fit perfectly in a plastic iced tea/cool aid type jug to keep in the fridge. I began making it in large amount because it goes FAST - is very yummy! You will never purchase store bought again, I promise you!
For pulled pork. After the meat is shredded lightly moisten with sauce. Add pork to the bread and apply more sauce to taste.
Well, my wife brought home two BEAUTIFUL pork shoulder roasts. So, naturally, I'm smoking those babies. But, I figured I also smoke another pork loin as well.
Those poor chickens just keep getting pushed back on the schedule...
Our house was like that for a long time until we had kids. The way schools are now they need to have access to computers at home and, well, the TV is a given for kids. But we do have limits on how much TV time they can have.
THe most I get out of it is probably the Food channel and UFC. I used to watch the RFDTV but my sat company doesn't carry it anymore
Bummer because they used to have really great tractor shows.
In order to save a buck, the wife & I decided to kill the internet and satelite tv at home. So, I will only be able to view the forum from work. And work has been crazy as of late! I am glad to see Eric is back on!
Welcome to the forum Wansfell. I beleive you will find out if you ever need any advice or help on your kubota someone will always be there with advice or just encourage you. handy