You are right, a 502 would pull a 22 foot boot like a rocket. But I am an idiot, I don't have a 502 I have a 5.0. I must have been tired when I typed that, sorry for the confusion. I'll have to get back to you on the gear ratio, that I don't remember. I have some pictures of the boat on one of my external hard drives, I'll find them. I could go outside and take a picture but I don't want to take the cover off
I have always liked the cuddies because there is a place to sleep and hide when the weather turns nasty. My buddy has a open bow, I hate it. When ever I go out in his boat I freeze my ass off and there is no where to get shelter.
I have always liked the cuddies because there is a place to sleep and hide when the weather turns nasty. My buddy has a open bow, I hate it. When ever I go out in his boat I freeze my ass off and there is no where to get shelter.