Thanks for the reply to my post. I was wondering if you know which loaders will fit my L4400? I looked on TractorHouse but didn't find any LA 703 loaders and only one LA764 which might fit. Thank you again.
The program the email uses is a micro soft email program, I have gone to the micro soft help site and it was less than useless to me since I know noting about computers to start with,, However when the account was set up thats what the provider used.
Did you get it fixed? My crankcase broke after 325 hours! Almost $3K for a new engine!! I think I'm going to put a Honda IGX800 on it and screw the Kubota engine, if that's all the longer they last.
Hi Everyone
I have a 2017 L4060 with a LA805 FEL and my bucket is the round back L2296... What do you recoment for a Snow pusher --- I want to make sure my tractor/ loader could handle it.
Thanks you in advance
Hi! I saw in one of your posts from 2018 that you have a pattern for the B670 rear mounting bracket. Any chance I can get a copy? I recently picked up a B670 cheap.....because it doesnt have the rear mount.
newbie kubota bx owner. last tractor I had was an old JD 1A narrow front and a rickety loader attached. fun to look at, tall as a horse, and with two cylinders could burn gas, diesel, alcohol, who knows what else.
Really enjoying this machine as I get accustomed to the hydro and how it works. Still de-bugging her, but we're getting there slowly. I am thinking I'll keep the BH80 that came with it and just rebuild it with new pins. I have a lathe and milling machine so I should be able to custom machine new pins to fit the existing bushings and not have to replace them as well.
BX2200...Had 2 hydraulic leaks in loader section...fluid was light brown (with water)...replaced both lines and hydraulic/transmission oil. There's no place to bleed air on this machine. Now, the only way the loader moves or the brush hog lifts is with steering wheel moving. The brush hog mower only stays up for a while, then falls back down. Is this all just the process of getting air out of the system? If so, how long will this go on? If not...what else could be wrong?
In 2019 I had problems with my M6060 cab tractor. Ended up, the dealer put in all new injectors as they all tested bad wwith just over 300 hours on it. Tractor started loosing power again yesterday the same as it was doing back then. I called the dealer and can't get it in for another month, service manager says it's now out of warranty but she will try to get Kubota to fix it again as this will be the 3rd time in the shop for the same thing. Today I replaced the fuel filter and took the water separator and screen off and found nothing in it. I'm wondering if it could possibly be the fuel tank vent. I know the hose goes up the rear of the cab and connects to a metal line. My question is where does the metal like end up going to and would it be ok for me to disconnect the rubbber line and apply air pressure to the metal line as well as blow into the tank
I've been working on a D1005 in a B2320 tractor. It was very hard starting but once it warmed up it ran smooth. I had the valves machined and resurfaced the head. The issue is there are no timing marks anywhere! My timing method is to put a straight piece of welding rod into the glow plug hole. On the intake stroke while you rotate the engine hold onto the welding rod until it reaches TDC and adjust your valves (.006-.007) intake and exhaust. Most of the diesel kits cost from $50 to $500. The adapter is really the main issue since the glow plugs are 8mm x 1.0 thread. All of the kits came with a 10mm adapter but no 8mm and without the schrader valve your gauge will not accumulate pressure. I have several snap-on adapters with the schrader valve so I decided to turn one down. I also welded up an injector so I could get a tight seal. Now I can diagnose one of these engines in minutes and know exactly what I'm working with.
I sent you a PM through OTT.