Dittos to what both IP and Dave said.
In case you have access to a box leveler, you could try and drag the box around with the scarifiers down. My L3800 will pull the box with the teeth down pretty easily in loose decomposing granite that we have out here. Sod is a whole 'nuther beast. You may only be able to lower three or four rippers but after a few passes, you will have shredded the sod loose and should be able to dig easily into the earth. Once loose, raise the rippers and use the box to level out the soil.
One problem with "ripping" out the sod is you end up with a load of sod "husks" that screw up your leveling. As you till in sod residue, you set yourself up for bumps in the future. As that stuff decomposes, you'll end up with voids where the sod was and you may have to keep working it to get it flat.
Are you in an area where you could burn off the sod after you kill it? That would greatly help the new growth when planting time comes. And, it will reduce the amount of sod residue you have to drag about.
Just a thought...