Wood stoves......My favorite part of having a "cottage"......


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Jul 19, 2020
The "inner prepper" in me also likes that if the SHTF, I could heat the place reasonably well without electricity.
About 10 years back we got a 36" snowfall and lost power for 5 days, and were housebound. We melted snow for water (drinking, cooking, and flushing toilets) and we cooked on the stove.

We were fine. :)
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Kubota L2501DT BH77 VIRNIG URG60-CT 1950 8N
Mar 26, 2021
central ny
I've lived here for 29 yrs all of it with wood heat. I found a nice used Lopi Liberty about 20 yrs ago. It needed some welding in the draft baffle so I did that and replaced all the firebrick . The only problem was when I was still working I would load it up and start down the road and wonder if I had closed the draft bypass. So I solved that by cutting the door handle off and fitting a bushing on so it would slide on the door handle but if I shut it it will fall off if I left it. So then I could hang it on the draft handle, and that reminded me to always shut the draft. I adapted a nice antique brass door knob fot the fire draft down below instead of the coil spring.
I have a couple Empire direct vent LP heaters for backup but it is wood non stop for me I like the cutting splitting and handling of wood as it keeps this 71 yr old moving!

No fire showing but that is my new girl Layla!
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