Part of it I think is the relatively small problems we choose to focus today. Our great great great grandfather's fought a brutal war to end the owning of other human beings as personal property. Our grandfathers fought a global war against the spread of fascism and communism. Our fathers held that line against global communism. All the while (1900-1930) living with average infant/under 5yo mortality rate around 25% - can you even imagine that today? And in our lifetimes we still actually had to fight about whether people could be banned from various public services because of the color of their skin.
Now we fight about whether it is ok to say fireman, whether 1/2 ounce of pot should end up in significant jail time and even whether Dianne Feinstein's name should be removed from an elementary school.
We have lost our way - but not because a few words have changed - but because we focus on the petty instead of the important. We have real problems facing us now too, but instead of rallying around them together as in the past, both sides spend their days taking minor pot shots at one another's character.
We beat slavery, we beat communism, we beat fascism, we beat segregation, we beat childhood diseases, but we will not beat China (not really communist anymore) and will let childhood diseases back in the door (see anti-vaxxer bs) if we keep behaving like this. Time to
man up "suck it up buttercup" and fix something real rather than holding onto petty whines (both sides of this silliness).
NOTE: last sentence edited due to freud