Here In nth Ga, folks were cutting 2 weeks ago and had to wait a few days between showers to dry out so's can start their baling, and now hay is very abundant here, The DOT here have no funds for cutting the right-of-way and it has grown 4 ft tall, I know a few people who work for the state DOT and county rd. maintenance dept. and I suggest to them why not they cut and bale the grass from the right of ways, and put it up for when they do road work or shoulder buildups, and then they wouldn't have to spend tax payers money purchasing hay,
2 months ago I purchased a 5 ft roll from a local farmer it was some of his last supply from last year he give me a good deal for only 20.00 I needed it to cover some ground work I had been doing, It had enough seed in it that I didn't bother to lay any out, if I had of went and purchsed this amount of seed it would have well cost me over 50.00 ....
now this grass looks better than my front lawn, and I've spent many hundreds & hundreds $$$ on overseeding and fertilizing the front lawn with KY31/10-10-10....... and done nothing more than stroll out the straw in the back yard and walla! nice tall grass in 8 weeks.....