What's wrong with this picture?

David Page

Active member

1974 L260, 6" bush hog, subsoiler, spring tooth harrow, boom pole, 2 bottom plow
Jun 25, 2013
Dexter, ME
Hold the phone, we have all just been sucked into outrage by yellow journalism put out there mainly to gather hostility toward snowflakes. Check out the dates and the details on Snopes. I might have to take back my statement about the university. The administrators allowed the demonstration and tried to confine and control on nearby streets. What is the difference between allow and sponsor? Emergency/police were trying to block freeway traffic, driver drove around blockade when he hit student. So the whole thing is more complicated than it appeared at first glance...
Yes Sheepfarmer its sad that some universities have taken a turn from where they were, doesn't change the fact that you got a good education. Like your posts.



Jul 19, 2013
Lynden, WA
What I see as wrong is that, at least in this corner of the country, the plaintiff is entitled to collect from whichever defendant has the money, so if the [insert favorite adjective here] student is X% at fault, the [insert favorite adjective here] university is Y% at fault, and the [insert favorite adjective here] driver is Z% at fault, even if university's Y is only .5, she could collect from the university's deep pocket its Y% PLUS the driver's Z% of total damages, and it would be left to its own devices to seek reimbursement from the [likely uninsured or bankrupt] driver.