I just bought a B6100E which I'd like to service properly before using it.
Hour meter shows 374 hours, so it must have broken about 20 years ago at the latest. According to seller on internet auction everyting works (Yeah, I was brave and bought it unseen as it's about six hours away from me and the price was worth the risk), so we'll assume that it runs okay until I get my hands on it next week.
I'm okay with 4 and 2 stroke petrol engines in cars, outboards and push mowers, to the extent that I can rebuild those engines, but I have no experience with diesels.
I want to give it a major service to deal with everything that might have been, and probably was, neglected. I figure I should drain, flush and change all engine, transmission, hydraulic and coolant fluids and repeat that after a few hours work to get most of the gunge out; run injector cleaner for a while; change all fuel, oil and air filters; grease everything I can find that can be greased; and replace any suspect hoses. Is that the right way to go?
Should I check and adjust tappets (maybe called valve lifter clearance in US?) and, if so, does anyone know the gap? Is it done with motor hot or cold, and running or stopped?
If brakes and steering work okay, is that enough?
Thanks for any advice, and for a great forum.
Hour meter shows 374 hours, so it must have broken about 20 years ago at the latest. According to seller on internet auction everyting works (Yeah, I was brave and bought it unseen as it's about six hours away from me and the price was worth the risk), so we'll assume that it runs okay until I get my hands on it next week.
I'm okay with 4 and 2 stroke petrol engines in cars, outboards and push mowers, to the extent that I can rebuild those engines, but I have no experience with diesels.
I want to give it a major service to deal with everything that might have been, and probably was, neglected. I figure I should drain, flush and change all engine, transmission, hydraulic and coolant fluids and repeat that after a few hours work to get most of the gunge out; run injector cleaner for a while; change all fuel, oil and air filters; grease everything I can find that can be greased; and replace any suspect hoses. Is that the right way to go?
Should I check and adjust tappets (maybe called valve lifter clearance in US?) and, if so, does anyone know the gap? Is it done with motor hot or cold, and running or stopped?
If brakes and steering work okay, is that enough?
Thanks for any advice, and for a great forum.