What implement to pick up oak leaf clusters


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Jun 9, 2019
Ok... day one of two clean up is done! Tomorrow I have a few broken trees to take down but that will be the easy work compared to today. It's just very annoying to collect all these tiny pieces of debris scattered everywhere like a blanket.

I used the PTO blower, rounded everything up in a big pile, then I attached 1x1 channel steel to the grapple with U-Bolts, zip tied snow fence to it, and scooped them all up! It worked really well. The blower made short work of moving everything, such a pleasure to use that implement. The pine straw rake will allow a little more precision for the next storm, the blower can really send things flying.

I'm tired, really enjoyed the seat time, property almost good again, and it was too freaking hot out

David how thick were the steel tabs you welded on, how big were they? I will order two cut squares from metal depot then drill the holes in them with a drill press.

the day in pictures:

oh... so I made the leaf mod while baking inside my 400° shed, instead of my air-conditioned shop, because I was rushing... I go to reverse out through the double doors and the bars were too wide to fit out the door :ROFLMAO: did not think that one through. Cut off wheel, removed 4" from the width and was back in business. Good thing I just didnt turn around and mash it into reverse.
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bird dogger

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Kubota B2650 and lots of other equipment
Feb 24, 2019
North Dakota
That's a great novel idea for using the snow fence to grab the small stuff! Genius (as you say)!! :)
Another item added to the "to do" list.

I'll take some measurements for you on those tabs but I don't think its very critical. the rake isn't that heavy. I found that material in the scrap bin and it seemed to match the originals so that's what I used.

I keep a good supply of cutoff wheels on hand, too! :ROFLMAO:

bird dogger

Well-known member
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Kubota B2650 and lots of other equipment
Feb 24, 2019
North Dakota
B737, those tabs are 1/2" thick material from 3" wide bar stock. the tabs are actually 3 1/4" long but even 3"x3"x1/2" would still work fine. I hunted for some leftover stock to mail you but none was to be found. then I remembered that my short piece of bar stock was completely used up for those tabs and some pieces for my arbor press. Drats! If you ordered one piece you could easily cut it to your liking with that cutoff wheel and bevel the edges to be joined to the rake frame.

Something to consider: My neighbor has a BX2230 and borrows my pine needle rake. Even with the mods to shorten the hitch spread he's barely able to get it hooked up on his tractor. I would measure the nominal 3 pt. arm spread that you'd like to use and determine the best setup from there. If my mod still seems a little wide for your hitch, then I'd weld those tabs further inward and use bolt on hitch pins turned to the inside.

Also, with the neighbor's hitch spread so wide when the rake is hooked up, he's barely able raise the rake up off the ground to dump. Instead, he has to back up over the debris. That's not a big deal, but the closer you keep your lift arms together.....the more clearance you'll have in the raised position. Even behind the B2650 I could use more clearance in the raised position.

We need more members in the PTO powered blower club!! :)


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Jun 9, 2019
wow lots of important info I would have overlooked, especially the geometry. Thank you for checking your stash, I will order a strip of 1/2", and set them up for the screw in pins. Thanks for everything Dave!


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Jun 9, 2019
Typically, I go with local family run dealers for my implements, but don't hesitate to go online for "value" when its something simple like this.

Titan Attachments shipped my rake fedex which I couldn't believe because the thing is 125 pounds of Chinesium. The shipment stopped at some random point and switched to "pending". Missed its delivery date by 2 days. Busy with work, not wanting to deal with FedEx, I emailed Titan with a one line email; "Can you look into order #". They wrote me back in 12 hours; "We have shipped you a new rake". Kudos to Titan for great customer service
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