My wife put in some overtime this week, so she came home early today - shortly after I had finished mowing. Since my back has been bothering me, I asked her to help me rake the windrows of shredded leaves and load them in the trailer behind the BX. My wife HATES yard work, so I put the BX in low range and let her drive. Despite feeling a bit unsure on the side slopes (she tipped over a Hustler when mowing in the Navy), she soon asked how to make the tractor go faster. I pretended not to hear. When I drove the tractor across the steeper hill and backed and dumped the trailer, I noticed she was watching intently from the deck. Tonight she thanked me for her Sweetest Day present of driving the tractor. Oops, I may have to give her a full lesson on using the tractor - and lose exclusive use of the BX.