What do you hate ?


New member

front and rear hydraulics
Sep 18, 2019
bernardo, nm
The perceived right of entitlement.

It has caused, and will continue to cause, some major issues for our society.

Unfortunately, principles of “the greatest generation” are waning.

I had to speak at a 95 year old buddy’s funeral last week. Depression era survivor, WW II veteran, business owner. He truly was a great guy.

Today, the “Robin Hood” politicians know how to buy voters.

This is not sustainable, and I don’t dislike it; I hate it.......

I came from a poor dairy farmer background. I was the first in my extended family to go to college. My parents didn’t graduate high school. Sounds foolish, but probably the best thing that can happen to a kid. A farmer has a work ethic, and my parents did well after selling the cows, then the farm, due to that ethic.

Everything I’ve got; be it education, experience, skills or possessions, I earned fair and square of my own volition and motivation. I’ve worked hard for a long, long time.

My college buddies looked forward to weekends to relax and party...I worked 40 hours a weekend, plus additional shifts weekdays.

Trust me, I don’t portray this as “oh wo is me”...I’m damn proud of it! I know a lot of OTT members can sing the same song.

I’m also proud to say my 3 kids seem to have the same principles. The twins were high school Valedictorian and salutatorian, Division 1 college athletes, and have done well afterwards.

The youngest at 20 and a college junior needs some help from mom and dad.

But his aspiration is to be an MD, and he’s working his ass off for it while holding multiple jobs. Dean’s List every semester.

I think/hope mom and dad have been good role models for our kids to follow. We need more parents and kids like this.

Yeah, entitlement pisses me off...[emoji15]

Rant over.....[emoji12]

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Well said sir.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
I hate cancer, it’s taken way too many good people away from me that I loved. Besides that I don’t like people who litter beyond that not really anything



B2601, loader, backhoe
Nov 12, 2018
Williamsport, PA, USA
I hate school taxes and county property taxes. Not based on your income, but the size/location of the house you live in. Example; 900 sq ft raised ranch, two car garage 900 sq ft work shop. $228 a month, before any other bills, on Social Security.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I disliked getting up early and going to work but I eliminated that. I retired.

My wife dislikes me being at home all the time now.:D



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I hate cancer, it’s taken way too many good people away from me that I loved. Besides that I don’t like people who litter beyond that not really anything
I can relate to that in spades Last year I was travelling a road that could have had a bad ending...death, but the Lord and fantastic doctors saved me so I could come on forums like this one and agitate....:eek:

Looking back (and down at my huge scar from surgery, I think to myself, if I had know what that entailed would I have done what I did? Probably because the alternative was a horrible death (I know someone who didn't and their last weeks were hell on earth).

Would I do it again? Not sure but in retrospect I left my infusion port in 'just in case' I can deal with the debilitating effects of chemo, what I an having issues with is returning to the way I once was, at least physically. Still not there but getting better all the time.

Not sure it's an achievable goal but something to try for anyway.

Life is not worth much if you don't aim high.

Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Bill, he sends letters on what you owe every month wanting your hard earned money. Usually in the form of the Light Bill, Water Bill, medical bill ect.... I sure would like to get my hands on him, but he's pretty elusive and demanding showing up faithfully every month. Even after paying him off the following month :rolleyes:

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bird dogger

Well-known member
Vendor Member

Kubota B2650 and lots of other equipment
Feb 24, 2019
North Dakota
The perceived right of entitlement.

It has caused, and will continue to cause, some major issues for our society.

Unfortunately, principles of “the greatest generation” are waning.

I had to speak at a 95 year old buddy’s funeral last week. Depression era survivor, WW II veteran, business owner. He truly was a great guy.

Today, the “Robin Hood” politicians know how to buy voters.

This is not sustainable, and I don’t dislike it; I hate it.......

I came from a poor dairy farmer background. I was the first in my extended family to go to college. My parents didn’t graduate high school. Sounds foolish, but probably the best thing that can happen to a kid. A farmer has a work ethic, and my parents did well after selling the cows, then the farm, due to that ethic.

Everything I’ve got; be it education, experience, skills or possessions, I earned fair and square of my own volition and motivation. I’ve worked hard for a long, long time.

My college buddies looked forward to weekends to relax and party...I worked 40 hours a weekend, plus additional shifts weekdays.

Trust me, I don’t portray this as “oh wo is me”...I’m damn proud of it! I know a lot of OTT members can sing the same song.

I’m also proud to say my 3 kids seem to have the same principles. The twins were high school Valedictorian and salutatorian, Division 1 college athletes, and have done well afterwards.

The youngest at 20 and a college junior needs some help from mom and dad.

But his aspiration is to be an MD, and he’s working his ass off for it while holding multiple jobs. Dean’s List every semester.

I think/hope mom and dad have been good role models for our kids to follow. We need more parents and kids like this.

Yeah, entitlement pisses me off...[emoji15]

Rant over.....[emoji12]

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Couldn’t agree more!! When I was a kid and others were playing ball and doing nothing, I put myself through college by hoeing sugar beets every summer starting at the age of 8. Would start hoeing at sunrise and stop at sunset, with days off due to rain only. Finished college virtually debt free and was hired two weeks later. Retired after 42 years.

But I chuckle when I think of this story pertaining two our two sons:

We married later in life so were the elder parents compared to the other kids’ in the same grades as our boys. One day the boys came home from school (8th & 9th grade, maybe) and were a little too serious….maybe worried about something. I asked them: “What’s up?’. They didn’t know if they should tell me…..but decided to, anyway. They and all their friends had taken a poll on who had the strictest parent and it was obvious that I was at the top of the list. They were worried and perplexed when I immediately gave a fist pump and shouted “YES!!”. They asked how I could be happy about that. My reply: “Now I know I’m doing my job as a parent.” It must’ve foiled their plans to live on easy street from that day on. :D

Fast forward: They both worked their butt’s off and with so little help from us both finished college without debt. One’s an engineer and the other a skilled electrical technician. Both are employed with great jobs but are now both in debt due to purchasing their first homes with substantial down payments from their own savings. They contribute to their 401K, retirement plans, go on paid vacations, etc., and still live pretty good day to day.

It’s interesting to hear them talk about how their former classmates can’t understand how they can do all the things they’re now doing. There’s no doubt they’ve seen what the feelings of entitlement has done to some of their friends while growing up. The wife and her parents are true blue liberals and I’d cringe at some of the things they’d say to the boys. One day I sat them down and explained liberalism in a fair, unbalanced but unique way that must have really hit home with them. But that’s a whole ‘nother story for another time. :D

It hasn’t happened yet, but I’m waiting for them to bring up that “poll” they took in junior high with their classmates. They might see some wisdom in the ‘ol man, yet. Both have alluded to that fact but haven’t said so directly….to my knowledge, anyway. I may just have to remind them of that poll myself one day! Like RCW, I’m very proud of my two boys!! With a little guidance from me and a lot of hard work of their own, they’re well on their way to success in life.