What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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L3130 GST, FEL, Taylor Way BH W/Subframe, Rotary Cutter, Pallet Forks
Mar 20, 2016
Evansville, IN, USA
View attachment 139087

Not to be critical and approaching this as a fellow forum member, this looks like a conventional face cut that's too deep, a sloping back cut, no holding wood on one side as the hinge was cut through, and loss of control during the fall.

From a "let's learn from this" perspective and not seeing the whole situation, maybe the face could have been rotated 45° counter-clockwise toward the lean of the tree at a depth of 1/4 to 1/3 the diameter of the tree, allowing room for a horizontal back-cut 2" above the horizontal part of the face cut, likely resulting in a more controlled fall due to having holding wood.

With that said, cedar is very dense and tends to break off rather than pull cleanly through the fall, so there are several advanced techniques like a Gapped Face Cut (sometimes called a "blocked face cut") that can help the hinge retain holding wood though more of the fall.

If there's anything I've learned it's the Internet is full of arm-chair experts and tree felling is bound to draw out some pretty strong (and often wrong) opinions, and it's not my goal to be in that category. I wasn't there, and even if I were I don't consider myself an expert, especially with cherry and cedar.

The part I cut was hung up on the main section of the tree. No chance of falling. I cut like that to keep the truck from kicking back when I had to shover it down with the FEL.


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BX1880 with loader, mower and 3 point
Mar 28, 2023


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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
Had to pop the top (canopy) off so spousal unit could use the MX as a mobile communications platform. 😉


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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
Had to pop the top (canopy) off so spousal unit could use the MX as a mobile communications platform. 😉
Don't antennae typically work better with a good solid ground for the mast? Normally did for me back in the day. Rubber tires aren't very good grounds, but perhaps you have something I can't see for grounding the antennae?


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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
Don't antennae typically work better with a good solid ground for the mast? Normally did for me back in the day. Rubber tires aren't very good grounds, but perhaps you have something I can't see for grounding the antennae?
Well, your not wrong, but the MX is so capable that it’s it defies conventional wisdom in a pinch. 😉.

We use the TV / temporary antennae so rarely we only do this set up for whatever it is the spousal unit ‘has’ to watch. (I don’t plan to permanently mount it or buy a real tower or antennae that rotates. I just move the tractor until we find the channel.😆

When I was a kid I had the job of wiggling the rabbit ears…I adapted the concept with 60hp😂


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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
Picked up 2 free tables locally on facebook marketplace. After a good pressure washing and a coat of my favorite outdoor wood preservative (aka ATF) they were transformed into some new range tables. Score!

the first one has flip out benches....how fancy is that?

Of course they were moved with the tractor and forks. That's why they are posted here...It's getting tough for me to find stuff to post on this thread anymore since my digging gig for the plumbing company is now over. :(

Cool table with flip out benches. It looks better now without granny's table cover.

Table 1.JPG

Table 2: She's a beauty... makes a nice 50 yard spot.

Table 2a.JPG

Table 2b.JPG
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
Well, your not wrong, but the MX is so capable that it’s it defies conventional wisdom in a pinch. 😉.

We use the TV / temporary antennae so rarely we only do this set up for whatever it is the spousal unit ‘has’ to watch. (I don’t plan to permanently mount it or buy a real tower or antennae that rotates. I just move the tractor until we find the channel.😆

When I was a kid I had the job of wiggling the rabbit ears…I adapted the concept with 60hp😂
My job was bigger than rabbit ears. I had to go outside and twist the pole to get one of the three channels we could receive. Had to turn it a little east for the ABC station (Pensacola), but NBC and CBS (Mobile) were pretty much due south. Messed with my folks one time and pointed it at Meridian (Northwest). Hated winter nights when it got windy and raining, and I had to go out and move the antenna because the wind blew it around. I'll give you three guesses what normally happened before I got back in the house, but my stepfather wouldn't let me drill the pole and put something next to it to stop it from rotating by itself. I think he just enjoyed making me go outside in foul weather.

After I quit dabbling in radio, I had some tower and a rotor left over, which I installed for my mother so she could look in any direction she wanted (for some of the newer independent stations). No more pole twisting for her. Kinda hate I did that now, because I lost a lot of nice tower hardware when we sold the house. Not that I have a use for it, other than the cash it would bring.
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Grand L4060HSTC, BH92 Backhoe, HLA Snow Pusher, Dirt Dog Tiller, EA DiscHarrow
Jun 24, 2020
SW Michigan
Ended up tilling 3 fields on Wednesday and dragging them Thursday, that’s about best I could do with equipment I have. They’ve asked if I’ll till in more dust if they can get it this year, not sure I’m in for that after spending 2 days chiseling caked dust from tiller. Pry bar and mall worked best, i even tried air chisel - that stuff is like concrete.



That’s only the back half.

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Jun 17, 2020
PEI Canada
Last mow with the rear finish mower. Pressure washed and greased it. Need to borrow a trailer to get it out to my parents barn for the winter.


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Dec 7, 2009
central ct
Yesterday my son climbed the tower and i was on the tractor pulling up the 6th and final section. All went really well until we realized I had attached the pull rope too high on that section and he wasn't able to maneuver it over the previous one and bolt it up :( Ended up dropping it back to the ground and calling it a day. Hopefully Tuesday we can finish it.

Pulling up the section - almost up

6th section 1st try 20241004_152628.jpg

and it's up but can't mount it to the one below

6th section 1st try 20241004_152814.jpg

Life is easier pulling it up with the Kubota :)
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Apr 5, 2013
Porter Maine
After bring in two bucket loads of firewood to the porch.
Dropped the bushhog in the equipment shed. Then.
Went after the HST tranny/hydrolic fluid, pulled the four drain plugs, then two filters. Up and down laying on the ground. (I'm only b-ing a little bit) , that done onto engine oil filter and fuel filter.
That done, clean up my mess. Tools away.
The dealer is practically giving the fluid and filters away nowadays.
I bought it a few months back 7 1/2 gallons of UDT2 and three filters was $300. If memory serves me.
I snapped one Pic before I headed to take a few aleve.
Tractor serviced 'except' for greasing. I have a couple tubes of Tractor supply grease on hand but was looking to order a couple tubes of Lubriplate grease. Lots and lots of different greases sold by lubriplate. Confusing really.


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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
Greased the FEL on the LX. Been beating on it a bit lately. Didn’t have the grapple on, so gotta give it a special appointment for grease. I normally keep the grapple on, but had some need for a bucket a few days ago, but whatever it was escapes my feeble brain at the moment. Getting close to my 400H service. Gonna do a full inspection on the FEL at that time to check for pin wear and clean off excess grease.

Also moved the (Ken’s) D-rings to the top inside of the bucket under the (Ken’s) grab hooks and bolted the backing plates together to plug the holes in the bottom of the bucket. This might make the bucket a little handier for pulling small stumps with a chain. Hung 1/2” clevis’ in the D-rings to see how long it takes to lose them.


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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
Did another brush/stump burn yesterday.

My good deed for the week consisted of picking up 1 dump truck load of boxes/cardboard and two huge loads of wood debris from our new neighbors to add to my brush fire. They are a young couple that just moved into their first home. One bay of their garage was filled with cardboard that really couldn't make it easily into the recycling. The old wood was a pile of very large halfway rotted rounds and limbs.

Ran the mini across the street to load the wood debris. While there, I removed a dangerous leaner and broken limb for him as well.

My good deed for this week has been completed.

burn 3.JPG

burn 5.JPG
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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
looks almost like log art today....

log art.JPG
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Kubota MX6000, Massey Ferguson 150, Long 2460, John Deere 410J TC
Sep 30, 2024
I have been looking for a simple toolbox upgrade since I bought the tractor. I didn't want to have to fabricate any brackets, or drill any new holes in my tractor.

I ordered two boxes from Amazon at both ends of the spectrum. One a small orange ammo box, and the other a 24x10x11 diamond plate aluminum toolbox.

To make it fit, I had to remove the old box and SMV bracket. I centered it, made sure to sit in the seat to ensure clearance, and then marked it through the existing 4 holes. Drilled them out, added large fender washers, and bolted it back down in the original 4 holes.

Still can't decide if I like it or not. It has a little flex too it but not terrible. Time will tell if a big log chain will twist the bracket or not, but for the time being it's what I have. I may add a wider base out of a piece of 1/8" plate or something in the future but this will work for now.


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